My new vortex kog


Aug 15, 2018
Okay lifters.. 

I am running 

100mg test cyp EW

100mg tren ace eod

50 mg proviron ed

Prami Ed

Okay starting weight was 193 and I was 14% Bf Starting out.  I am on a calorie reduced diet 1600 to 1800 cal a day and intense lifting 5x a week. 2 days hard cardio on recovery days.  I am doing one lex exercise per day so legs are always worked

 Week 2 and so far no night sweats.  I am combating trensomnia with cannabis oil and CBD at bed.  I am dealing with tren rage by taking very low dose resparidol which has been a life saver on my family.

Okay here we go on week 2 end I weighed in at 208 lbs.  I am eating clean but I am blown away that I gained this much weight after 2 weeks of tren.  I have never been this lean running tren before but I can attest that the body comp changes started for me week 2 .

Attached is a photo taken at the beginning of my cycle and i will take one Friday to mark week 3 end.

I may run somen hgh frag to drop the BF quicker and may play with upping the tren this week also.  I am not going to lie I am pretty new to tren only had 2 successful runs with it because I bitched out due to alot of problems with temper and lack of sleep but I am dialed right in and am always open to suggestions wanna hit 8% bf by xmas

So far this cycle is in full swing.  I love tren OMG Vortex tren is the read deal on my third week body fat has dropped almost 1% in such a short time. I am just blown away.  Diet is cleaned up more too and I couldn't be happier thank you vortex stay tuned folks I'll put a pic up this weekend 

I’m really enjoying your logs there very motivating, seeing the different gear choices , and the body changes . I have to say as I’ve said before you look great I can’t wait to see more pics , good work @Talon

What a great day got up this morning and got dressed and realized my 34 inches waist Jean's now are offically baggy.  I have to punch a hole in my belt.  Weights holding bow at 204 since dropping the excess salt intake.  

Things are going nicely.  Injected later last night and tren cough started.  All in all I can see my Bodyfat is dropping I took a pic of myself on a non training day.


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Nice man ! I can really notice your abs and also your shoulders are coming in nicely , I’m kinda jealous , keep up the great work brother your logs are always a joy to follow .

Things are still going okay on week 4 tomorrow and ya the trensomnia is in fullllllll swing.  I am taking prami and it's working okay but seem to agree better with cebaser.  Anywho. so far things are going well I am now 103 pounds of muscle and down to less than 13% bf I have gained an ice 10 to 12 pounds of muscle without loosing my tone.  I am shredding more and more though the pics seem to do me less justice as i have been taking them end of day opposed to first thing in the am after workouts20190914_201417.jpg

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No brother the pics are great and you can really see the progress keep up the hard work ! All the work your putting in shows,  Did you ever think of sort of a times lapse photo set like side by side I bet you will be shocked of the progress. Thanks for such a detailed log.

I will definately do that when I get back from my little vacation at the cottage for a few days.  Needed to get away for abit the tren has me ready to claw my eyes out from being so tired.  Week 4 and I am dreading the next 2 to 4 weeks if trensomnia keeps going lol.     Being in the country allows me to be away from people and distractions and move at my own speed for the next 2 weeks and having the keys for a local gym is even better

@Talon nothing better to relax than being in the country setting , it just seems to make everything better good call, especially when the tren starts messing with your sleep and your head lol but damn it’s a good compound. Yeah gym keys is a big plus you can train away from people. 

@Talon nothing better to relax than being in the country setting , it just seems to make everything better good call, especially when the tren starts messing with your sleep and your head lol but damn it’s a good compound. Yeah gym keys is a big plus you can train away from people. 
You can say that again.  The wifes up here too she is cooking up a storm for me lol.   She has really kicked asa also she is 148 pounds from 200+   her and I alone have dropped almost 100 total pounds in less than a year.   I never thought we would get our bodies back but damn we are getting there....

That’s great man nice to have the support , it’s great you can support each other and know what your both going through. Congrats to both of you , you look great , don’t let her stop man get her to goal too. You should have gotten her to do a log too. 

That’s great man nice to have the support , it’s great you can support each other and know what your both going through. Congrats to both of you , you look great , don’t let her stop man get her to goal too. You should have gotten her to do a log too. 
She started but gave up because she was not really happy wit how she was doing she is on the var now and is kicking ass as she builds muscle her fat percentage is tanking its impressive she is dialed right in now

That’s awesome man keep her motivated, my wife wants to get started also.

Well the trensomnia has never  been worse I have never lasted past the 6 theweek mark and I gotta tell you o have hit the proverbial wall.  I am going to dial it back to 50mg eod.  I just wanna see if this is feasible now that my body is really taking shape.  I can deal with alot of things but lack of sleep is not one of them.....keep you guys posted. Week 5 pics coming today

I’m pulling for you man !! That’s one thing with me also , I can’t function at all with no sleep , I’m just a miserable prick to be around . Good call with the 50mg eod , keep us posted to how it goes .

So I took 3 different pictures today is a rough one I powered through a workout on pure steam.  Once i started going I got agressive and was able to get through a hard arm day.  Cane home and had tuna and low carb bread.  

Took a few poses not the best pics but I'm abit wet had abit too much salt last night wife made roast tenderloin and bearnaise sauce damn French Italian girls can cook.   I posted a photo from a little over a year ago to now.  



Things are still going okay on week 4 tomorrow and ya the trensomnia is in fullllllll swing.  I am taking prami and it's working okay but seem to agree better with cebaser.  Anywho. so far things are going well I am now 103 pounds of muscle and down to less than 13% bf I have gained an ice 10 to 12 pounds of muscle without loosing my tone.  I am shredding more and more though the pics seem to do me less justice as i have been taking them end of day opposed to first thing in the am after workoutsView attachment 1724
I love your tattoos 😉

Great job @Talon Work shows!

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