
Yeah that’s just insane I read that article last night! 

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That first pic is amazing. I want to put armor on it and ride it into battle.

Saw it in the news , still don't get why need to modify animals or humans .

In Asia the also just had the 2 baby modified .

Crazy how humans are pushing the limited .

Rather do all that maybe the could invest time in reproducing hearth and organs or even missing part for soldiers or people in need .

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Yeah I also watched a show last night regarding the wolley mammoth. They found frozen DNA at some recent point that has been the best they’ve ever found. Now they’re supposedly injecting this into elephant or whatever embryos to obviously make some kind of hybrid species. These scientists have too much time on their hands sometimes lol 

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No the scientist have too much money thrown at them by rich retards that think it’s a great idea.....   how long before you walk into Walmart and in the baby section there’s a kiosk so you can change your baby’s genetics to have blue eyes blonde hair and be super smart....  not that I think the technology is inherently dangerous because it could lead to medical advancements but in the wrong hands used incorrectly could have some serious consequences.

Really no offense to anyone but A non judgmental laugh from  me about those who are against gene mods but choose to modify their muscle/strength/endurance genetic potential with steroids/IGF/GH etc--lol