need advice

Oct 16, 2019
I am a trainer advising a client. He has reached a weight gain plateau that we cannot break through taking 600mg week Test E,  with 100 mg every other day Tren A, cycling with Dianabol 50 mg a day for 6-8 weeks at a time. Where do we go from here? I am at the limited of my experience. Here to seek discreet sound counsel and advice. 


Since you did not mention caloric intake I'll suggest that it is probably a diet issue.

1) Need to figure out target daily calories for the desired rate of weight gain. Google 'how to calculate base metabolic rate maintenance calories'

2) Create a meal plan with measured portions to meet that target.

I usually use website to look up nutritional values for whole foods that do not come with nutritional info (ie branded products.) Type the food into the search field and go from there.

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Welcome man! Please read our rules and enjoy our board, no if you have limited experience with all due respect you shouldn’t be counselling on gear . Please get advice from some of our experienced members that specialize in diet and nutrition.

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