Need help with golfer's elbow...


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Oct 26, 2018
It's become unbearable that if i try to do isolated curls... it hurts like hell... tried to even do underhand pulldowns and smith rows and still hurts... only thing i could do was wrap with knee wraps my elbows to lift anything... even chest presses had to do that to work around the elbow pain... its not my muscles that are being pushed... i am just having the enormous pain and i wana get it to go away. Winter time i get joint issues... and its bad now... i lose so much strength and now its really really bad.. what can i do and take to heal this...

Well, if your problem is scar tissue buildup, active release therapy can work wonders.  However, if the issue is an acute injury, you need to heal.  I hear BPC 157 is a miracle for some, but never tried it personally. 

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I have used bpc157 with mk677 to help with tendinosis. I used 750 mcg pinned daily sub q, broken into 3 shots forming a triangle around the injury. Mk677 12.5 mg wake, 12.5 mg bedtime.

i was gearing up for a cycle when it hit me worse than usual. I was worried I’d have to cycle off. However, for two weeks while starting that protocol I avoided exercises that aggravated it. (For me hammer curls, reverse curls, pull ups. Pronates/supinated lat pull down etc) after two weeks it started getting much better and I added most exercises back in. I ran that protocol for a month with great success. Highly recommend trying it. 

Hope it gets better bro. 

Maybe @Physlifter can shed some light on some exercises you can do to help out. 

  What i have learned though through my rehab efforts, elbow tendon problems are a direct result of something else out of whack; shoulder, tricep, bicep....                                                                                                 

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i think ill get some bpc157 and give it a whirl....

the compounds above will help with recovery.  
Basic exercises are wrist curls with bands or like 3-5 lbs dumbbells, easy easy cable curls to pump blood.  Avoiding long arm reach and grab moves.  Heat and local massage.  

the compounds above will help with recovery.  
Basic exercises are wrist curls with bands or like 3-5 lbs dumbbells, easy easy cable curls to pump blood.  Avoiding long arm reach and grab moves.  Heat and local massage.  
Wrist curls? Would spank wire suffice? 

ive started bpc157... 500mcg a day... dont got nuff $$$ otherwise would run 1mg ed...

praying to God this helps... im debilitated even pushing shopping carts and holding grocery bags.. just at the elbows...