NEW buddy



Hi just knew to this forum hope can learn and help some ppl 

I am on my thirds week cycle 12 weeks already seen some evolution but since this week i feel very tired did you know why or how maybe could help me about this i will talk about it to my coach thanks and nice to meet you all

500 tes E

500 equipoise

400 tren acetate 

400 masteron prop 

dbol 60mg 6weeks

winstrol 60mg 6weeks

HCG THIRD week since last week 1000iu/week 

Welcome to NL man. Good board with good people. 

Just looking at your run, what are you running for liver/kidney support?  Looks pretty stressful lol. 

Any reason why you are running winny and dbol at the same time and three injects along with your test?

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Hi just knew to this forum hope can learn and help some ppl 

I am on my thirds week cycle 12 weeks already seen some evolution but since this week i feel very tired did you know why or how maybe could help me about this i will talk about it to my coach thanks and nice to meet you all

500 tes E

500 equipoise

400 tren acetate 

400 masteron prop 

dbol 60mg 6weeks

winstrol 60mg 6weeks

HCG THIRD week since last week 1000iu/week 

I recommend starting a log or another thread and delve deeper into what you're doing for recovery/nutrition - as gear is only a small part of it. Without knowing anything about you all I can say is perhaps overall toxicity is affecting you. While no one compound is dosed highly... together you're over 2g per week. But it could be many factors.