New here, not to the game

Jul 26, 2021
Hey all. Took a long break but I am back in the saddle. Been on several boards that don’t exist anymore. Looking forward to sharing info and building relationships with my new found brothers/sisters! 

Welcome to NorthernLifters we are happy to have you here please tell us about yourself and your experience. This is a family here please treat everyone with respect and dignity and please don’t trash other boards or brands here we aren’t into that. We have a great little family here and welcome the experience. Please enjoy yourself. All new members have a minimum post count before it stops being moderated we just want to know you are here with good intentions and here for the long run. With that being said Welcome to the NorthernLifters Family. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Thanks. Not much into bashing anyone. Just a bit about me… I was an MMA competitor but a bit too old now. Just working on functional training. Been adding AAS to my supplements for about 8 years. Took a long break due to personal issues. Was a vet on SSB, a vet on chemicalmass, a VIP on domestic muscle before taking the break. Looking forward to sharing info and having fun. Thanks for the add

Well thank you for that we appreciate all the experience you have to offer. Contribute when and where you can. You will earn your stripes here in time feel free to post in any thread you wish . If you have some experience to offer to the more inexperienced members please help guide them where you can. That goes a long way around here. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Thanks bro. I love helping people out when the opportunity comes up. I’m an open book and a sponge at the same time. Looking forward to being part of the board.