New here

Jun 27, 2021
Quick introductions feel like writing online dating profiles to me. I will do this without making it a personal blog post as best as possible. I found this forum researching a raws source that happens to be a board sponsor here. I'm a middle-aged aged guy from Canada's east coast. I haven't dosed higher than trt doses since operation raw deal. Then finaplix pellets were easily obtained, even on Amazon. Anyways, I like to lift, and that's about all.
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Welcome to NL. 

Operation raw deal…have not heard that in a long time. 

Welcome to NorthernLifters, Thank you for taking the time to check us out we have a great group here with a wealth of knowledge and some of the best staff in the business. If you have any questions please take advantage of the wealth of experience here. Please don’t talk about other boards or brands here let’s keep it positive and have fun. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.