Feb 11, 2023
Hey Fellow BB-enthusiats, Not sure if i was part of this forum many moons ago but I was part of TSC and a verywell known private one that most veterans now about so im not new to the world. I just wanted to say hellow and introduce my self agian, I was a avid BB during my military career and pretty active on forums Like took ahold and 10 years have flown by. So im getting back to the life style I once loved and miss. I can be vety helpfull when it comes to Supplementaiton if anyone needs advice and ill will give my tributes replying to other memebers psots as well. No shame here I use to be 225lbs at 5'7" maintian 10-12%bf and ran a 11:30 flat 2 mile run my current stats are 300Lbs 42-48%bf so I got some work in ahead of me, hopfully be sharing my journey with you all and meeting some good brothers once agian.

Welcome We are happy to have you as a part of the NL Family. You are not just a member here, We are all family ! CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team