New person nervous of pinning/injecting

Jul 15, 2022
My name is a play on words, I donated some ballistic plates to ukraine earlier this year, but obviously also can mean weight plates  🙂

Anyway, safety is my utmost concern, and I have never injected anything before. Was hopeful to find testosterone undecanoate in oral form, but seems like it's too annoying/cost prohibitive/or advanced of a process for UGLs to make.

So basically I'm just curious how easy it is to hit muscle and AVOID a vein. I'll be looking to do it in my quad. Some tutorials dont even suggest pulling back the syringe plunger to make sure you dont draw blood. That seems weird to me when others do suggest that. There are a lot of tutorials online but I just want to hear it from people who self inject themselves, and how easy it was their first time.

Any advice would be welcome whether related to injection or not. I have done some and research I am about ready to pull the trigger on a purchase. 

Thank you and hopefully I didnt break any rules 

Welcome to NorthernLifters, Please read an fully understand our rules. We are strictly an information hub for all things health and fitness. That being said we have a great group of guys and gals here and a wealth of information. As questions and contribute to conversation. Now with that out of the way let’s get to your concerns. The quad is not friendly to a lot of folks there are lots of nerves there. So inject the quad on the outside quadrant a palm width from the side of the knee and a hand length down palm on the hip bone down to the longest finger that’s your injection site. You will never know what’s under the skin . Most of us have grazed a vein from time to time it happens you just bleed a little more. Now asperation Of the plunger is highly debated and it not used in medical settings any longer. A great site is the glutes and delts for injections. There is a great information site for injections for the beginner . The site is . Hope this helps CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Hmmm, thank you for the response. I will be looking at the delt too then.  I was thinking that may be the case with aspiration since when I got injections from professionals they didn't do it... Appreciate the resources.

I will be familiarizing myself with your rules. Hope to contribute as well. 👍

Everyone is nervous the first time. Being relaxed actually helps for better technique as well. 

I did quads my first cycle and I don't recommend it.  Depending on what your cycle will consist of (total volume per shot) I recommend glues or delts.

<1ml delts.  >1ml glutes. 

If your doing a low dose test run for your first go you can even use a slin pin and go shallow IM in your delts (assuming your not fat)

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Personally, I would avoid the quad injections. Glutes and shoulders work best for me. I’ve tried quads a few times and the pip was difficult to say the least. Very sore for days. Maybe others have had better experiences though. 

I love quad injections, I find I have better control and can see the full injection site as well as being able to place a high volume injection there. It’s really my go to site. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Youre making too much of a big deal of this. Shots are very simple.    Maybe draw up somr water and inject it into a fruit or something for a practice round.

I do reccomend injrcting glute or delt.  Quads can be a painful shot.  Use a mirror in the glute shots.

Ley us know how it went