New to forums. Hello :)

Dec 22, 2021
Hey guys, new to forums here. A little about myself;  started working out with body weight and calisthenics excercices when I was in grade 7 (2006/2007ish) because I thought it would make me better at sports which in turn would make girls fall in love with me lol. Started lifting my brothers old cement free weights as I progressed then finally go into a fitness class with my high school in grade 10-12 working out 3 days a week plus playing rugby and football then eventually on my own 3-5 days a week. Then in college life starts to hit working full time job going to school and balancing a social  life got very hard to do. So I fell out of shape for a few years losing any muscle that I had gained over the years. Been back in the gym for about 2 years now 5 days a week steady have dabbled in the PED use a little bit the past two years 1 8 week cycle of rad 140 15mg ed then a few months later lgd at 7.5mg per day. Been thinking it’s about time to step up to the big leagues and put in an actual test base. Hope I didn’t ramble too much and was at least a little informative about who I am. Just a little intro to the NL community feel free to pm and say what’s up. 

Welcome, You have joined one of the best communities in Canada with a vast amount of information and knowledgeable members . Please read our rules this is not a source board purely an information hub for people that have a love of health and fitness with that being said please take part in conversation and enjoy yourself we are happy to have you as part of our family. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.