New to the board

Nov 13, 2020
Good morning all,  New member to the board, glad to be apart of the group.  

I've always been into training, but have taken the last few years off growing the family.  I've been back at it pretty hard in the home gym the last year, seem to have more time on my hands lately.  

Looking forward to chatting and learning.

Welcome To NorthernLifters, Please take the time to familiarize yourself with our rules , Keep in mind this is not an open source board, Please contribute when and where you can, Feel free to ask questions but please do a little research before asking . We have a great family here. Enjoy your stay. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Welcome To NorthernLifters, Please take the time to familiarize yourself with our rules , Keep in mind this is not an open source board, Please contribute when and where you can, Feel free to ask questions but please do a little research before asking . We have a great family here. Enjoy your stay. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

Hey guys I'm new here and been here for about a week and happy to seek all the topics and recommendations for everything lol it's great.ive just recently ordered some things on bodytechpharma to try out for the first time and Mabey my roommate but anyway enough with my bad punctuation lol

Any thoughts on a test e 250 and dbol and deca dura and arimadix stack....sorry if there misspelled but I ordered like 250$ worth so hopefully I chose right lmfao.

Sorry if not allowed...