New to the forum, whats up fuckers lol

Nov 19, 2020
whats going on fellas.  I came across this community on google.  I read and liked the tone of this site.  You know if you go to a dylan gemelli site the tone is shitty.  lots of trolls on tnation.   but the forums i read i liked this community right away.   on to me....

So im 43 on trt, a finess enthusias, been in and out of the gym since i was a teenager.   Have run a few cycles, have been away from the gym, have done it all.  

Im 5'5" a lil fella, i currently am on week 10 of a diet cut rip the body fat off me.  I want my midsection ripped, then im going to lean mass it till summer.  i weighed 156 when i started and now i weigh 138.   This is the first time ive attempted to diet and do cardio daily.  And i am one dedicated mf.  It has not been the easiest thing at all.....ill tell you going in and lifting weights and eating good is fucking simple compared to this.. the middle of the night waking up everynight so hungry its was a task to get back to sleep.  wow.  but ive never been as closed to being as lean as i bioimpedance scale clocks me at around 12.5% bodyfat...dont know what i was at the beginning.   But yeah id guess around 20 i had a mini baby gut.  But im such a lil fucker that it was a good amount of weight on the scale apparently.   my abs are right there just peeking, and i have rib muscles and the 3 fingers under the arms.   I just need to keep going a few more weeks...i have recently dropped my cardio down i now do 30min elliptical fasted in the mornings.   i train everynight on a 4 day split i dont ever take a day off unless i need it.  so now im trying gain muscle through muscle memory and lose bf at the same time, but mostly lose the bodyfat....soon like i said i will start a long lean bulk eq style.

But yes i am very smart educated well read and researched and have alot of invaluable information that i can maybe contribute and help out on this site.

i have completed courses in chemistry, organic chemistry 1, organic chemistry 2, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, anatomy/physiology, and genetics so i know a lot about alot.  I have doctors books, anabolics books, fitness books....i have a problem lol....but hey hows it going everyone, im happy to be here.  Nothing but positive vibes

Welcome to the site, I am fairly new as well but its a good forum, there seems to be a lot of good info and everybody seems fairly laid back. Great Bio by the way!!

Welcome To NorthernLifters, Please take the time to read our rules , Lots of good people here and a wealth of information. Please keep in mind We are NOT ! An open source board, With that being said enjoy our board and contribute where you can engage in conversation and you should fit in nicely . Please don’t bash any other boards here as we hold ourselves to a higher standard. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.