
Oct 3, 2019
Pretty new to the scene, Been lifting for about 2.5 years have done a normal test cycle for 20 weeks, pct off. Now i am hopping onto that blast and cruise life. 26 y/o 225lbs 6'2 

You don't want to blast and cruise at 26.

Why because no matter how hard you try you can never get your hormones to balance perfectly like you can naturally, so you always are a "bit off"  so you might feel a bit off.

Run your cycles, and when your test goes to shit naturally after 40, then go hard

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Welcome man! Please read our rules and enjoy our board, Exactly what @Sorbate said I couldn’t have said it better myself , wait till your old like us.

Yeah and getting old like us fucking sucks, lol.  I’d just like to feel like I did in my 20’s for a week.  I can’t remember what it’s like not to hurt somewhere, and not good bodybuilding hurt

@Sorbate yeah don’t you love those mornings you get out of bed when something pops and hurts and all you can say wtf was that , that’s a new one lol.