
Mar 16, 2023
P_20230316_183529.jpgHi ya all doing...I'm a 53 yr old newbie that's just half way through my first cycle since my early 20s...taking it easy cuz I'm not 20 got my gear from Syn...dbol...test enanthate...20mg ed..300mg injection twice a week...all I can say it's awesome products and very happy with service and results so far...6.1 ft...160 like a horse but never put on weight..almost zero fat...but half way through cycle I already put on 8 lbs of muscle...I finished dbol last week now 6 weeks of the test...hopefully will put on more

Welcome to NorthernLifters, Please separate your introduction from your product reviews. We have a separate section for reviews please utilize it . With that being said we have a wealth of knowledge here and an extensive library of information. Please enjoy yourself and welcome to the Family. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team 

Thks for the warm welcome..really appreciate it..sorry I posted the pic with my intro...wasn't glad to know that there are good people on here with a lot of info and ur rules and stuff and sounds I said haven't done a cycle in yrs..a lot has changed since then and having people that know exactly what there doing anytime ya need them is great to someone in ur back pocket looking out for ya...thks again guys for letting me be a member of this forum...I'll try to help out as much as I wat I ain't much....take it easy