No appetite


Trusted Member
Aug 24, 2018
Anyone have any ideas to increase appetite.  Lately i find it hard to eat through the day. Then i gorge at night. 

I had appetite issues due to orals last year. I kinda ran with it and did IF and would wait until I was hungry for at least an hour before eating. This would make my fast 8pm to 1pm. As I did this I ended up building my intake during this time and then kinda broke through and went back to normal after a couple months 

Anyone have any ideas to increase appetite.  Lately i find it hard to eat through the day. Then i gorge at night. 
Are you running anything currently? High drug levels (especially orals) are quite known to kill appetite. 

Hows the body fat? May be time to do a "mini cut" and bring food levels down as well as body fat. 

Hows recovery? Typically overreaching (I don't like to call it overtraining) can only be done so long, as well as force feeding, if progress is starting to stall may want to evaluate your training. 

Adding in cardio is ALWAYS a good option when appetite starts to die. 

I do a form of intermittent fasting, simply because I'm not typically to hungry at breakfast and don't like breakfast style foods - I'm not a believer and literature supports this as well that you need breakfast or food late night. As long as you're able to hit your daily goals - you should be ok. 

Are you running anything currently? High drug levels (especially orals) are quite known to kill appetite. 

Hows the body fat? May be time to do a "mini cut" and bring food levels down as well as body fat. 

Hows recovery? Typically overreaching (I don't like to call it overtraining) can only be done so long, as well as force feeding, if progress is starting to stall may want to evaluate your training. 

Adding in cardio is ALWAYS a good option when appetite starts to die. 

I do a form of intermittent fasting, simply because I'm not typically to hungry at breakfast and don't like breakfast style foods - I'm not a believer and literature supports this as well that you need breakfast or food late night. As long as you're able to hit your daily goals - you should be ok. 
Im running 800 test 600 deca. No orals for last 10 weeks. Bf is pretty good. I stay very lean even on deca.

I dont do any cardio, i always end up losing

Im running 800 test 600 deca. No orals for last 10 weeks. Bf is pretty good. I stay very lean even on deca.

I dont do any cardio, i always end up losing
Hows your strength progressing? Are you using anything to calculate your BF levels? Don't get too caught up in the scale but you should be having other measures of progress as well. 

If things are progressing don't make any changes - ride those out. If things aren't then reevaluate things. If this were myself and progress has stopped, I'd look at three options:

1. Come down to a cruise or off, lower calories, add slight cardio everyday and lower training volume (not intensity)

2. Add in cardio, change drugs, keep food the same, lower training volume or keep it the same.

3. Keep food the same, add in cardio, increase drugs, keep training volume the same or increase. 

Personally, I'd opt for 1. As 2 and 3 risk over reaching and driving yourself into a hole which will make recovery harder.