Northern pep igf and MGF cycle


Aug 15, 2018
Okay folks I'm running a pep only cycle NOT SPONSORED I wanna see whT these peps are all about.  Starting weight 206 from the damn tren.  Test will be at 250 mg per week on cruise as 100mg is just not cutting it for me since dropping tren I had to up the test. All gear if or when added is vortex.  My happy lab

Waist 33 inches

Arms 16.5

Chest 50

Height 5 10 

Diet will be closest I can get to 1600 cals a day as again i am working on getting below 10% bf and keep muscles from atrophy from. The low cal diet.  Will adjust calories as needed and will do weekly weigh ins and adjust stats as we progress.  Lets see what we have with peps.  

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Dude, 1600 cals is starvation, you're gonna make yourself miserable.

If I might suggest taking a look at Greg Doucette's YT channel to picxk up a bit of his info on nutrition. If you have enough time for training to live by the calories in/calories out credo then you don't need to exist on so few cals. Just a thought because I know 1st hand just how little food 1600 cals is and how frustrating it is trying to live life on so little.

I have this down to a science brother my body seems to do amazing on 1600 to 2k calories.  I am not going for the big bulk just preserve my muscle I have I take 250mg test for trt.  And find that helps should any canabolization take place only times I up cals is if I work out or run.   The 1600 calories takes into account food I burned running and weight training also so I never end up starving.  I am a guy that loves to torture myself for the art of bro science hahaha

I’m going to follow this also I’m very curious about this , looking forward to this log.