Not new to the game, but new to here!

Aug 16, 2018
I just wanted to take the time to pop in and introduce myself. I'm not new to the game, some of you may recognize my username from other forums.

I'm currently 29 years old and I'm on TRT 100MG. Lifting 4-6 days a week depending on the week and the focus. I look forward to sharing my knowledge on cycling, and more importantly letting people know the risks associated with use at an early age. Hopefully people will learn from the mistakes I made.

I just wanted to take the time to pop in and introduce myself. I'm not new to the game, some of you may recognize my username from other forums.

I'm currently 29 years old and I'm on TRT 100MG. Lifting 4-6 days a week depending on the week and the focus. I look forward to sharing my knowledge on cycling, and more importantly letting people know the risks associated with use at an early age. Hopefully people will learn from the mistakes I made.
Good to have younger TRT guys to hear from who have experience with the positives and negatives. Look forward to learning more about your experiences in the TRT section and elsewhere :)

I just wanted to take the time to pop in and introduce myself. I'm not new to the game, some of you may recognize my username from other forums.

I'm currently 29 years old and I'm on TRT 100MG. Lifting 4-6 days a week depending on the week and the focus. I look forward to sharing my knowledge on cycling, and more importantly letting people know the risks associated with use at an early age. Hopefully people will learn from the mistakes I made.
Hi, and welcome. I’d be curious to know about being on trt that young. Im on the same dosage as you are except 8 years older. I should’ve been on it at your age, but no doctor would entertain that idea back then.

Welcome brother.  Great group here and things will pick up thank you for coming by