
I just want bumstead to win classic lol. 

We all know Phil has to crown again. 

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I gotta say, this is probably the first year I really could care less about the open... 

I think Phil is going to keep his distance from the others and win again, I really like Bonac, but I just don't see him touching Phil sadly.

I'm way more interested in seeing the 212

There are too many guys that could be swapping places depending on who peaks well. But unfortunately we'll likely just see repeat winners. Phil will take the open, flex will take the 212 for his last 212 show.  If anyone successfully guesses the top 6 in order it'll be pure luck.

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I just want bumstead to win classic lol. 

We all know Phil has to crown again. 
Lol, I’m goin for Bumstead as well. He could reign that division for a while. 

Heath will likely win until he retires, which may be soon. Wasn’t a fan of his physique last year.

1 Phil (unfortunately)

2 Ramy

3 Bonac

4 Roelly

5 Dexter

6 Rhoden (blah)
Many might disagree, but i think Rhoden will move up from last year, not fall in placings. Rhoden was obviously off last year.  He had a broken jaw for the first 6 weeks of his prep.  Then 3 weeks out of the arnold, which apparently he was looking his all time best for, he was hospitalized and had to pull out of the show.  Thats gotta be hella motivation to come into this Olympia pushing harder than ever before.  I feel like hes going to surprise us this year and may even get back in that top 3 battle.  I hope so anyways.

And yes, bumstead for the win in classic, although I dont think people give Regan enough of a shot here for a top placing. In my opinion, regan has all the attributes of a classic bodybuilder(tiny waist, decent vacuum, amazing lines) but with fullness of an open competitor.  Not sure why hes getting all the hate.

Wow I'm surprised there's been no talk about the Olympia.  It was a good show, this is the first Olympia that I watched live.  It was nice to see Roden take the Snadow.  The judges had him winning after both  rounds.



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I think the 2019 Olympia is going to be very interesting.

I think that the Sandow will be very slippery for Rhoden, I think he will be a single year winner, he wll be 44-1/2 years of age for Olympia 2019.

  Phil Heath will be super motivated and has a good chance of coming back for his 8th non-consecutive Olympia championship, come contest time 2019, he will be 39-3/4 years of age.. 

If there was ever a time for Kai Greene to comeback, it is RIGHT NOW.  IMO it was a mistake for him not to be there this year, he could have won the big show.  He still has all of his size, but he is also battling an abdominal distention issue as well.  He would be just over 44 years f age come Olympia 2019. 

Mamdouh Elssbiay "BIG RAMY" could also be a contender, but he needs to get his conditioning and show prep under control. His 6th placing was a big disappointment. As much as I hate to say it, Big Ramy's language skills are hurting his chances as well. For Olympia 2019, he will have just turned 35 years of age.

Then there is Roelly Winklaar, "The People Champ" of the 2018 Olympia.  He is proof that improvements of the abdominal distention are indeed possible.  For next years Olympia he will be 42 years of age.

James "Flex" Lewis following his retirement from his 7 year reign of the IFBB "212 lb" class is apparently stepping up to the Open class. Many said that if he competed in the Open class for Olympia 2018 that he would have busted into the top 5, some said top 3, but I don't know about that.

Here's a good video with some greats of the bodybuilding world including: Dave Palumbo, Chris Aceto, Milos Sarcev, Aaron Singerman, , Chris Cormier, Tom Platz and 1983 Mr. Olympia Samir Bannout.



Hopefully Big Ramy works with the right team and gets dialed in for the 2019 Olympia, maybe he should do the Arnold as well in 2019.

Hopefully Big Ramy works with the right team and gets dialed in for the 2019 Olympia, maybe he should do the Arnold as well in 2019.
I have a hard time seeing Ramy ever winning the top spot - hes massive of course, but structurally I find him at a disadvantage to many other competitors, not to mention his consistent lack of conditioning. I would love to see Rhoden hold onto the title for a bit longer as I honestly don't see anyone too appealing in the open, Bonac is probably my next favorite but at the same time, he can't get too much larger without ruining his shape. I'm most excited to see Flex jump into the open - size or not, he brings great structure and INSANE conditioning - which I think the open is very much lacking.  

and all the talk of Kai coming back - I just don't see it.