PL's low test high tren summer shred log


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
I love tren

I usually run tren in my cycles.  I love the feeling, the sweats, the results. I missed out last fall because I ran it for a long time up to prep, so I gave a break.   Now I want back in.  This time, i'm going to do something different that i've never done before.  Low test High Tren.

I've only ever run up to 400 mg of tren at a time.  For the last five weeks i've been running 1 g of test, and it's got me running better and stronger, starting to lean out a little more, so now i'm going to bring the test down and up the tren to see what this hubbub is all about.

So for 12-14 weeks:

Body Tech 200-250 mg of test enanthate

Body Tech 600 mg of tren enanthate

Body Tech clen low dose about 50 mcg 2 weeks on 1 week off

ECA in between

Diet will be about 2800 cals, 25 mins of cardio 4-5x a week with training.  As I get into it and leaner i'll probably slide back into keto dieting as it works quite well for me.

So we'll see how this goes! A whole new experience for once!  I want to be ready for July 1 to look optimal, not contest ready but absolute beach ready.  36 is coming in June and I want to show those young 20 something'ers how it's done 😉


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This morning I was just under 232.  Feel tighter.  I'm having a recurrent tennis elbow injury that i'm trying to recover and i'ts a real bitch when doing shoulder or any cable work.  Trying to work through it to keep the stim going so sometimes I have to come up with creative angles to get the muscle contraction without causing pain to my right lateral elbow.  

I've had two tren E shots and as per suggestion, starting using an extra bottle of tren ace I had as well as some of BT's tren base.  Felt a little tingle in the lungs with last nights shots...fucking hate tren cough so I know it's going to come on strong one of these days.

I also started 50 mcg of clen today.  Going to take a low dose long burn approach to this, likely 2 weeks on, 1 week off.  I found this most effective for me instead of 1 week on/off or days on/off.  

25 mins of cardio 4-5 days a week to start.  So far so good starting.

I will follow along. For the tennis elbow try to find somewhere that does shockwave, it helps my elbows after a few sessions when they flare up

Thanks. I'm a physio. I'll be ok to treat it 😉
Obviously you are doing something wrong if you havnt fixed it yet, bwahaaa 

sry dude, couldn’t help myself.  Btw gh does wonders, fixed mine up, and I had it on and off for 3 years.

obviousky combine that with the rehab you already know to do 😜

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Obviously you are doing something wrong if you havnt fixed it yet, bwahaaa 

sry dude, couldn’t help myself.  Btw gh does wonders, fixed mine up, and I had it on and off for 3 years.

obviousky combine that with the rehab you already know to do 😜
I keep being a dumb douche and wack it on stuff...feeling better overall just the sleeping is the worse in the sustained positions

I keep being a dumb douche and wack it on stuff...feeling better overall just the sleeping is the worse in the sustained positions
Yeah that sucks.  Mine would hurt like hell sleeping also.  Then you’d move it and it would feel like it was frozen in place, hurt like hell to straighten.

i bought shin splint gel bags (you know the ones you can heat or freeze) and wore them on my forearm, lol.  

The gh helping was only a coincidence.  I was using it for my colon, and one day I noticed it was gone.  That was a year ago,

Good luck with it, it sucks.

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I'm getting a lot of them..holy lol

keeping test at 250 max and having the tren at 600 has done this...waking up frequently at night with rock hard ones.  The wife has been 'tickled pink' with it.  I feel definitely more manly and viral.  Heat is up, a little bit of sweating and acne, but kept under control.  The quick acting stuff is what's going on thorugh me now and I expect by end of this week the enanthate will really start kicking in.  Strength in the gym is noticeably improved and getting a fuller pump.  Looking leaner already too!

I just started a tren/mast/test cycle myself. 

Love fucking love tren too. I'm a raging hard on when I run it. Awesome. 

I got some serious tennis elbow on it last year. I believe tren dries out the joints. 

Do your physio and supplement accordingly. 

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229.4 today!! going down and down
the clen is strong even at 50 mcg - feels good to get the jitters and the energy and burning the cals from it. I'd like to think based on these pictures I had a successfull offseason doing a combination of post comp rebound, 8 weeks of doggcrapp, and then training around a rehabing a shitty tennis elbow (which is about 80% again after rehitting it).

apr 3 front.jpg

apr 3 side chest.jpg

apr 3 side tricep.jpg

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i was one of those old school people who advocated that when running tren and test,reduce the test. I did it multiple times,sides of tren were lower,as in rage etc. i added some proviron to the cycle which helped me significantly. 

Your cycle looks perfect,if you get the opportunity,please try to add some proviron for one week and you will notice the difference. @GameChanger help the tank out

Also your physique is perfect,you didnt end up doing the lets get fat bulk like most people do lol

i was one of those old school people who advocated that when running tren and test,reduce the test. I did it multiple times,sides of tren were lower,as in rage etc. i added some proviron to the cycle which helped me significantly. 

Your cycle looks perfect,if you get the opportunity,please try to add some proviron for one week and you will notice the difference. @GameChanger help the tank out

Also your physique is perfect,you didnt end up doing the lets get fat bulk like most people do lol
much thanks my man.  I really appreciate the honest compliment!  My wife wouldn't let me get fat lol.  But it doesn't feel good anyway!  
But I tell ya there's a HUGE difference already in sides...or lack thereof, comparing the high tren low test.  I feel the heat, there's a bit more sweat, a tiny bit of wakefulness, but shit there's none of the stuff you'd feel before. And i've never gone over 400 and now i'm plying the 600 E plus all the left over tren base i've had.  The next few weeks may make a difference as my body fully 'wakes' to the tren, but so far really so good!

fucking got my first tren cough this cycle.

*clears throat*


WIfe just rolls her eyes at me now and just makes sure i'm really not dying.  But I think I have it figured out how it happens, at least to me; if i inject too fast.  The BT stuff flows so smooth, and I remember the last time I had tren, the worst cough fit ever, I thought I put it too quick.  Well last 3 weeks it's been good, and i've kept it slow.  Tonight, I completely forgot (durr), jammed it in my arse, and pushed in the plunger...FFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now the ol' lungs are a bit wispy tonight...head was foggy for about a half hour after the shot.  Survived another one.

PS....guess that makes the tren legit???

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my ex husband would stick his head in the freezer when he would get the cough... you can try that, see if that helps.

i was very much like your wife.  it got to the point that, i didn't even care any more, and stopped asking because, i'd get the, 'leave me the fuck alone'

my ex husband would stick his head in the freezer when he would get the cough... you can try that, see if that helps.

i was very much like your wife.  it got to the point that, i didn't even care any more, and stopped asking because, i'd get the, 'leave me the fuck alone'
oh i don't do that!!! I call her over just to watch me to make sure I don't go belly up.  Once she sees i'm ok she leaves me be.  That's a shitty thing to happen though...sorry you went through that 😞

next time IF it i happens i'll see if I can not die on my way to the freezer lol

LMFAO it's okay.. are you pinning tren ED? or EOD?  Micro dosing/pinning ED might help?

and, yeah, my ex would pin and then just head right to the freezer.  i've also read guys use a inhaler too so, if you have one or can get your hands on one, it might help. 

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