Pre/Post workout meals


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
What’s everyone’s go to for pre and/or post work out meal (preferably for a bulk)?

Throw up recipes if it something a little extra or bizarre!

Pre workout I like to have either cookies or muffins with a cup of egg whites. Post workout I time with dinner so it's a full meal of meat, vegetables and starch. 

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Im pretty easy going.

60min pre I have a large apple, 1.5 scoops of Whey, 3 caps fish oil. 

Post I have 200g grilled steak, 1 cup of rice, some random steamed veggies, 1g vit C, 400iu vit E, 1g carnitine. 

I do miss a good pre-workout supp, but I train late and I like to be able to fall asleep before 11PM. 

Im pretty easy going.

60min pre I have a large apple, 1.5 scoops of Whey, 3 caps fish oil. 

Post I have 200g grilled steak, 1 cup of rice, some random steamed veggies, 1g vit C, 400iu vit E, 1g carnitine. 

I do miss a good pre-workout supp, but I train late and I like to be able to fall asleep before 11PM. 
I dunno a lot. But fish oil acts as an anti inflammatory correct? I dose mine in the morning as far away from my lift time as I can.

Mmmm, post workout steak!!

Post workout favourite for bulk. Ground beef, scrambled eggs, rice. All mixed up with sriracha sauce. 

With a lb of ground beef and 6 eggs you’re looking at over 2000 Cal’s and a boatload of protein. 

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Post workout favourite for bulk. Ground beef, scrambled eggs, rice. All mixed up with sriracha sauce. 

With a lb of ground beef and 6 eggs you’re looking at over 2000 Cal’s and a boatload of protein. 
Thats one of my favs as well except I regularly buy a mix of lean gr beef/pork/veal, then add brown rice, or quinoa, eggs (sometimes just whites) and sometimes sriracha, but I prefer gochujang (korean red pepper paste, and very hot). When I add veg I'll mainly go crucierous with a lot of broc or cauliflower, or skin on sweet potato as the need arises.

Wife and I are big fans of a Korean food dish called bibimbap which is essential ground meat, veg, rice and egg of top, then a liberal helping of Gochujang. Been eating that regularly for years.

I really like to stick to easy to digest foods... rice crispy squares, greek yogurt, protein powders, white rice, etc... 

Nothing is really set in stone. 

I usually work out on an empty stomach (at 4:30 or 05:00 am).

If I train in the afternoon it will be 3 hours after lunch (vegan protein) and PWO I will have a double scooped protein shake and plant based yoghurt.

I usually go a scoop of protein, with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter some oats and munch down a banana.

I'm kind of surprised to the amount of people using LARGE meals, or higher fat content sources in a pre workout meal. 

To those who are using these, how far ahead of the workout are we talking? like 2-3 hours prior?

Wouldn't you be concerned with the digestion rate interfering with your training? I also am assuming none of you guys would be introducing Intra workout drinks as well?