Props to Canadian Medical Supplies (CMS)

He Man

Active member
Aug 20, 2018
Hey all, 

 To be upfront, i'm no shill or have any stake in CMS. I just thought i'd share with the community a great customer service story (because mostly customer service has gone to shit these days).

 A couple weeks ago i made an order from CMS, the bulk being supplements. In that order was three cases of a certain protein bar. Upon receiving my items, i noticed that the three cases of bars were different than the ones i ordered.  

I inquired to Chad at CMS and he responded the next business day with the response of (paraphrased), "We messed up your order, please keep the ones we sent in error, the ones you ordered are on their way".

 Not more than two minutes later after the first email, i got a can post notification of shipment! 

 Props out to Chad at CMS for making things right, because of it, he's got a customer for life in me.  Out.

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I order from them every month and he puts little surprises in my order now too ie) protein bars...samples etc.

Everything he sells is great quality and pricing is as cheap as ur going to ever find for quality goods. Ull find cheaper stuff on occassion but with that will come questionable reviews also.