Protein bars


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Trusted Member
Oct 7, 2018
What do you guys feel the best protein bars are for nutrition, taste , sugar and value ? Finding one seems to be a tall order lately , but great to have with you in a pinch.

I like the double chocolate brownie from Iron Vegan (no I'm not vegan). Pretty expensive, but I'm not eating one every day, like you say, good for in a pinch. You can get them cheaper on Amazon.

Check them out

The vanilla sprouted protein powder is good too, but the athletes blend is way too thick.

I’ve been thinking about making my own and freezing them so I know the exact nutritional value of it . Will take some work make say 4 dozen and thaw them as I need them. Then I control the amount of protein and fat as well as the type of fats I’m using.

@BodyTechPharma have you seen the vid on yoututbe by GD on his Skor protein bars?

I used to just mix instant oatmeal, chocolate protein and cinnamon in a zip lock for "sludge" on the go lol. Not as simple to grab as a protein bar, but just had some hot water and go. (in a bowel or something though...)

@Ryujiin I haven’t seen that video but it sounds delicious, Funny thing I take a whole day to prep my food for the week but I still end up needing a bar or something because life happens and you can’t predict it.

For me there’s a few different reasons for different types on protein bars.   There are a few good ones out there like Quest Nutrition (if you can get over the science project in a bag ingredients and sugar alcohols).  

for a cleaner, low carb on the go holy crap I’m hungry but have no food with me, I prefer Quest Bars.  

for the I need carbs and protein fast after workout bar, especially during a bulk I like the good ol MetRX big cookie crunch bars. 

now there’s all kinds of bars and cookies and snacks this day and age.  I seriously found an oatmeal cream pie protein cookie with the brand name “Fina Plex”. I took a pic and sent to by buddy and said “look walmart has tren cookies!”

let’s face it, 99% of them are crap and over priced.   I used to make protein muffins with almond flour, whey and a few other things that measured out to be around 20g protein and 250ish clean cals per muffin.  Throw in a baggie and they were quite filling and kept you feeling a little less hungry for longer due to the almond flour.  

now days I make my own jerky with elk or grass fed black angus from my aunts farm.  Easy grab and go protein.

I know this in a old thread, but I love the brand “Daryl’s Bars”. They have to be kept refrigerated but value for quality is really good. Bunch of flavours something for everybody, a little bland obviously but better than the guilt of a protein-laced candy bar lol.

