Protein oat cake for breakfast


Aug 16, 2018
Minimalist recipes are the only way to go for a lazy person. Why? Because having to go back to the store to get that one special ingredient you forgot is a pain, measuring out 50 different ingredients is a pain, and then putting all their bags, boxes, and canisters away is a pain.

Unless of course you love baking; many people do. I'm not one of them. Laziness, remember?

So if you're like me, this minimalist recipe is for you. It only has 7 ingredients and if you make this often enough, you can eye-ball them without measuring a thing, the way our great grandmas used to bake.


3 Cups old fashioned oats

2 Cups water

1-1/2 Cups vanilla Protein

1 Cup Splenda (the kind that's used for baking and equal to sugar cup for cup)

1 Heaping cup frozen blueberries

1/2 Teaspoon baking soda

1/2 Teaspoon salt


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Start with the oats in a mixing bowl and add the water first. You want them to begin soaking it up.Add the other ingredients (except berries) and mix everything together. Then fold the berries in too.Spray a 9x9 cake pan with coconut oil. Then use protein powder to coat the oil. This will keep the cake from sticking. (You can just use a non-stick baking spray if you prefer.)Dump the batter into the pan and spread it out evenly. Put it in the oven and bake for 25-30 minutes or until done. You can tell it's done when the top looks golden brown, and the edges of the cake slightly pull away from the sides of the pan. Note: Bake time will depend on your oven and elevation. Also, some ovens are more powerful than others. If you usually bake your cakes and cookies at 325, then do so here too.Slice into 9 somewhat equal pieces by cutting 3 lines horizontally and 3 vertically.


You can use any berry you like. Strawberries are awesome for this recipe. If you're making this for someone who likes their desserts super sweet, feel free to adjust the recipe and either increase the Protein a little, or add a bit more Splenda. Feel free to add your favorite spices: cinnamon and cardamom are my favorites. If you're a nut lover, toss in some chopped walnuts.

Nutrition Info Per Piece

Total calories: 173

Fat: 2.8g

Carbs: 24.6g (3.6 from fiber)

Protein: 13.4g


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Hey MB, baking soda? Not baking powder? Just wondering if that might be a typo? ....or not.

So freakin good! Better than the PB chocolate doughnuts.

 Mixed as per recipe with the substitute of 1/2 cup brown sugar instead of splenda. Will up the berries to 1 1/2 cups from 1 cup. I also added some crushed pecans sprinkled on top.

Replaces my bowl of oatmeal in the morning, or a protein bar later in the day. 


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I made this yesterday with strawberries. Loved it.  I think I will add more fruit next time.

this looks great, going to show this recipe to the wife so she can make me some!