Punishing Frank Castle


Trusted Member
Aug 21, 2018
Well NL here goes nothing never run a log before so bear with me.

Ok so back story.... just under a year ago I was 296 pounds with a 40 inch waist... big... bigger than I have ever been in my life.  One day woke up and said I’m sick of this shit and got back to the old days of training and eating right.  

Hit some bumps along the road 2 months in had a nerve in my neck completely fuck me for over a month (incredible pain and loss of feeling in my left hand) kept on track with diet but training was out the window for almost 6 weeks.

Fast forward to today waist is 32/34 ish and around 245.  I’m not competing or doing shows the only person I compete against is myself in the mirror so I don’t pay much attention to the scale.  

Did that all naturally no gear just sticking to diet and some ECA.

Now this log will be with BT products, not a sponsored log though.

Gear I’ll be running is madol at 20mg per day and 500mg test ew.  In about 2-3 weeks I will begin stanolone 40-60mg every day. After that who knows we will see what happens.

To me gear isn’t the most important thing to building a physique it’s only one tool in your tool box.  I believe no matter what gear you run if you don’t train well and have a diet plan in place you won’t see the results.

so enough babbling hope you guys enjoy

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You’re a big fella, in for the follow. Good luck my friend I’m sure you’ll have 0 issues. Seems like you have er all in check

Today was shoulder day hit the gym at 245 am.  Last night got 3 hours of sleep.  Dragged my ass out anyways.

pre workout was black coffee (silencer smooth black rifle coffee) demo day carb powder half scoop and a couple strawberries. 10mg tab of madol 

work out

dumbell side laterals 

Machine shoulder press

dumbell front raise

upright rows

dumbell shrugs

all done 3 sets pyramiding up in weight at 8-10 reps. 4th set drop half weight to failure

post work out was a protein shake at 4am

Food for the day planned so far

Meal: 3 whole egg omelette with peppers and onion

Meal:  1.5 cups Romain lettuce 0.5 cup cottage chz, chick peas (half hand full) no dressing

Meal: 8oz chicken breast 1 cup rice 0.5 cup broccoli

Snack: 0.5 cup natural almonds

snack: 0.5 cup Greek yogurt 0.25 cup granola

that will should take me to 7pm when I get home from work don’t know what the wife’s got planned for dinner either meatloaf steak or chicken 

You’re a big fella, in for the follow. Good luck my friend I’m sure you’ll have 0 issues. Seems like you have er all in check
Thanks bro, yea always told built like a brick shit house lol.  If I ever figure out how to photoshop some pics I’ll post up some before and and last day natural pics 

In for the follow as well. 

Are you still taking the ECA stack? I find it helps at suppressing my appetite. 

Currently yes, going to see how things progress with my diet as the test starts to kick in maybe up caloric intake or maintain at this level.  Looking to put on quality size not a bunch of water and bloat so going to be watching diet closely.

Ok today was Fucking great!  Leg day today.  

Pre work out black coffee (ak 47 black rifle), demo day half scoop, was dragging a bit of ass so threw a bit of stim pre work out in the mix too.  5 straw berries and a banana

20 minutes rowing machine 70% intensity get blood flowing get some cardio in 

3 sets warm up super set leg extensions and lying leg curls

each set increasing weight hitting 20-25 reps.  I find this warm up helps with my knees too many years of football.  I know seems excessive for warm up but works for me

4 sets super set leg extension lying leg curls same again increasing weight each set keeping reps in the 10-12 range

5 sets standing calf raises increasing weight each set 25-30 rep range

3 sets dead lift again adding weight each time 12-14 rep range

felt great at this point threw 360 on the bar  haven’t gone that heavy in a long time tried last week just couldn’t get it fully up locked out.  Today 4 reps was great felt really good to smash that.  (Thanks madol)

3 sets leg press pyramid weight 10-12 reps

Finished with 2 sets super set leg extension leg curl half weight of max from start  Reps : to failure

really good leg day for me wanted to squeeze some back squats in but ran out of time

You probably could've reduced your initial cardio down to 5-10 min and got those squats in. 

I find I burn just as much fat going hard and lifting heavy. Squats are an excellent all round exercise what will exert serious fucking energy. 

Don't underestimate the fat burning potential from lifting. 

Personally i warm up on the treadmill for about 5 min. then lift. Any extra time at the end I throwing in cardio... sometimes....

Great intro,will definitely be following along. BT are stand up people,maybe they can sponsor or further help you somehow. I wish you success on your journey

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You probably could've reduced your initial cardio down to 5-10 min and got those squats in. 

I find I burn just as much fat going hard and lifting heavy. Squats are an excellent all round exercise what will exert serious fucking energy. 

Don't underestimate the fat burning potential from lifting. 

Personally i warm up on the treadmill for about 5 min. then lift. Any extra time at the end I throwing in cardio... sometimes....
Thanks @eazy57 yea usually I keep the time down more than that for some reason wasn’t watching the clock.  Always appreciate the input brother.  

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If you're worried about your face, can you now simply crop it out. Every phone editor has that function. We're not looking at your hair. 

Thanks man, like I say lots of work to go but in 8 months I’ve busted my ass and will continue to.