Quarantine Body


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2018
Hey everyone. How’s everyone doing with this lockdown trying to maintain?  I’m lucky enough to be able to hit some weights 2x a week. But still slipping. A little softer for summer than usual.  Trying to keep diet tight.  But with a pool in the yard it’s easy to grab a beer or two.  I’ll have to dig out a pic off my laptop of last summer when I was leaner. 


I just started to tighten things back up , My gym is opening this week so that kind of brought my mindset back , I just pinned my blast dose Saturday night ! All in all I think this was a good thing for me , Yes I got softer but I did lose some weight which was a bonus and it gave some injuries time to heal up so it’s giving me the much needed motivation !

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Yes the added rest days have given me the same. No shoulder or knee pain and feel really strong.