rear delts.........

Nov 19, 2020
one major area in my physique that demands attention, like many, is my rear delts.  I have a curved shoulder kind of look .   i really need to focus on lateral and posterior delts.  I try to stay away from lateral raises because they can wear my shoulders out fast and then it hurts to do even pressing....idk it's not rotator cuffs Its like sharp joint pains arthritis or something. I dont have it now but I did before from doing pushups everyday. idk.  but I need some help here how do I develop this shoulders?  I do all the heavy staple movements.  

Bent-over laterals with DB's or cables, revers peck deck, face-pulls and don't neglect your trap work. Perform these like you would the heavy staple movements. 

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I agree with @MaskedMisery I do shoulders 2-3 times a week. 

And with a lot of the exercises I also do tempo work. Like a 2 sec pause on the contraction and 4 sec drop on the negative. etc etc. 

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What is working for me is to watch my rear delts striation in the mirror with my palms facing different ways and doing reverse flies in a slightly altered way that targets them the most. Definitely need to do bent over barbell rows and log cutters with cables can work good. I also dont think its a bad idea to swing heavier weights when doing flies but also use lighter weights and pause for a second at the hard part.

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Cable high rows with a wide grip (shoulder length apart).  This movement will activate both rear and side delts.  You don’t have to go crazy heavy, but keep reps in the 8-12 range.  While lifting, keep elbows up, top of rep will have you elbows flared out slightly above the delt.  You’ll feel it if you go too far.

if you’re having join pain with rear delt dumbell raises, you might be hyper extending the movement.  Your rear delts are a small muscle group.  You don’t need to extend your shoulder all the way back at the top of the movement.  60-75% range of motion to the top of the movement is more than enough to fully engage the rear delt, anything higher is engaging your upper back.

Also remember, on back days, assuming you train upper back (rhomboids) you will hit and overload your rear delts as well with upper back movements, lower back rows will hit them as well, but not as much. Try meadows rows for these.  If you’re unfamiliar with meadows rows.  YouTube search for John meadows.

rear delt crossovers on the cables will help you control your range of motion as posture as well to hit the rear delts without pain.

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