Redness and Irration after shot


Trusted Member
Aug 27, 2019
hey everyone I switched from my quads to my shoulders  on Thursday and now my shoulder is hot and raised just seeing if anyone has treated this on there own rather than go into doctors any help appreciated

Have you pinned your shoulders in the past ? Was it a bad shot ? Did you sterilize your skin with alcohol and also wipe the top of your vial down ? Did you use a separate pin to draw ? Do you have a fever or feel sick ? Give it a few days watch it go take a hot shower and massage the area I believe it’s just minor irritation from virgin muscle . Wait it out , but if you feel a fever and feel sick then seek medical treatment.

No first time pinning shoulders and I wiped the top of the vial and wiped skin before and after shot no fever just skin is itchy and hot and raised anything u suggest to take the inflammation down ?

No brother don’t put anything on it , If it bothers you just take some Advil , I suspect it will dissipate with time , Take a hot shower and massage the area it will help disperse the oil , Is it a different oil than you pinned your quads with because some people have adverse reactions to the different carrier oils .

No same stuff 1ml of teste and eq in the same cringe a good amount leaked out after I pulled out the cyringe 

You probably weren’t deep enough and you didn’t leave the pin in long enough after the barrel was empty and did you z-track by pulling the skin to the side and when you pull the pin out let the skin go and it covers the wound and negates gear loss and leakage .

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Sounds like you did not go deep enough and ended up with some gear more sub-q than IM as @BodyTechPharma said. 

Also, make sure you just don't slam the gear in. With only 1CC you can take a little time with it and read up on z-track to prevent oil leak in the future. 

Again, don't put anything on it. Don't press on it. You will be fine. The bump will go away in 2-3 days to go down. 

I have had this happen before. 

Just keep an eye on it. 

Yea its 2 cc and yea just never seen that redness before and its been 3days all look up that method

Nice little goose egg there. The redness is not that bad from what I can tell. Has it (the redness) improved over the last few days?

Has the lump started to get smaller?

Assuming you never had any issues with the same gear in any other injection site, but wondering what the oil mix is?

A delt  can only handle a max amount of 2.5 cc for an adult and experienced user you must go slow and steady with those volumes and combined with virgin muscle It was a recipe for discomfort IT will subside don’t worry Just keep an eye on it and I firmly believe you weren’t deep enough , when you pin your delt feel for the knobby point of your bone and go 3 finger widths down that’s were the proper injection site is, if you go too high you will get into the bursa and cause injury. 

The redness has gone down a little bit and lump is still the same the oil is mct oil and no when i was doing my qauds no redness or anything just wrong size of needle thanks everyone I appreciate u all 

That doesn’t look like infection it does look like irritation, do you know if your gear contained EO ? Or any super solvent ? some people can’t tolerate EO and different carrier oils.