Resolutions 2020


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2019
Alright, lets see those resolutions for those that do them. 

Physical: To hit 15% bodyfat, hold it within +/- 1 to 2 % while getting my bodyweight up to around 220 to 230 w/ the most improvement focused on my legs and overall strength. 

Mental: To sleep better, get my HSK LV4, and somehow snag a raise. 

Fun: A few places I would like to visit this year, mainly Australia or Taiwan. Also get a solid week of cottage time in up North. 

Bonus: Finally get the wife knocked up and have a happy and healthy little one. 

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Keep my body weight at 245 no higher no lower , while being lean as possible,  keep my kids and wife as my top priority no matter what life throws my way this year.  Keep working on maintaining my mental health with my great doctor.  I feel like this is going to be a year of great changes for me and I’m excited to see the year ahead , hope everyone here in the NL family has a happy healthy new year !