rhoids on roids (see what I did there)?


Oct 13, 2018
Ok, disgusting topic, but here goes.

Any of you who suffer from hemorroids, are they worse on a cycle?

Mine are brutal. I assume from increase of blood pressure.

Please let me know what you do to try and shrink or at least make it more comfortable.

p.s. Getting old sucks fucking ass!

Ah, yes, good old hemorrhoids... have you considered having them banded? If they aren't too severe this is an option. It is EXTREMELY uncomfortable but the relief afterward is worth the pain. Took three rounds of banding and I haven't had a problem for years. Speak to your doctor. It's not a pretty business.

I have had banding done, but in interior ones. These ones are exterior. Do they band outside piles?

I have had banding done, but in interior ones. These ones are exterior. Do they band outside piles?
Man, I don't know for sure... I think they may require surgery as those would be far too painful to band.

Ok, disgusting topic, but here goes.

Any of you who suffer from hemorroids, are they worse on a cycle?

Mine are brutal. I assume from increase of blood pressure.

Please let me know what you do to try and shrink or at least make it more comfortable.

p.s. Getting old sucks fucking ass!
I'm in the same boat as both of you. Water retention and an increase in bp make them worse. Heavy, belted lifts, also don't help very much.