Roid Rager out of line? Your opinion ...


Trusted Member
Aug 16, 2018
Apparently the guy who kicked the barbell from his hands is not an employee or staff of any type - just an angry member who was annoyed about the noise. Therefore, he took it upon himself to approach him, kick him out of the gym, and then kick the barbell out of his hands.

Whats your opinion? Okay or not okay?

Personally, if someone has an issue with the noise someone else is making, i feel they need to go and bring their complaint to a staff, not go handle the issue themselves. And if they do decide to handle the situation themselves, I feel it is NEVER okay to even slightly touch the weights that a person is using while their in mid-lift. This could cause serious injury - especially in this case.

In the gym I keep to myself, but still get along with others in there, and show everyone respect. But if someone (even the gym owner) approached me mid-lift and kicked the barbell I'm lifting ... and then pushed me on top of all that ...  I'd be going back inside for another bit, heheheh.  But that's just my opinion.

Now I'm not saying the other guy is totally innocent in all this. He may be, and he may not be - I don't know the whole story. All I'm saying is the guy doing all the barking, kicking, and pushing was way out of line, in my opinion.

Interested in your opinions

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Heheheh. Yeah, a good ol' tricep pressdown bar to the temple would do well.

I would have apologized profusely......then I would've went and grabbed a 45 off a rack and proceeded to beat this man to death, but hey thats just me.
i would of joined in and made it a wwe match .what a cunt

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The kid deserved everything he got. He asked for it. Still woulda powerslamed the ignorant prick. BUT. I Would and don’t condone acting like that little fucktard either. 

You can’t put it down don’t pick it up! The first cocksuckin rep too.  


You don't touch another person especially when there in a lift and 100% in a deadlift 

I lift at home and I slam, drop, throw & yell and rarly rerack my weights lol but my gym so who cares 

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buddy is a dickhead and itll probably get back to the gym owners/staff eventually... 

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Guy that kicked the weight is a dick.  Other guy should learn to lift weights properly.  Anyhow you are at a gym, there is noise, if tough guy wants to train at planet fitness he should go there, lol.

Buddy shouldn't have touched the weights. That could have caused a serious injury. There is probably a lot more to this story.

Personally, if someone has an issue with the noise someone else is making, i feel they need to go and bring their complaint to a staff, not go handle the issue themselves. And if they do decide to handle the situation themselves, I feel it is NEVER okay to even slightly touch the weights that a person is using while their in mid-lift. This could cause serious injury - especially in this case.
Exactly. It is the gym management that needs to set and enforce policy. If the level of noise was exceeding what was acceptable then the random member could have asked the deadlifter to stop and/or gone to management. Instead, random gym member took it upon himself to address the situation by assaulting the deadlifter. Innapropriate period. 

The deadlifter would have been in his legal right to defend himself and as it stands has a basis to press for criminal charges and file for damages in civil court. 

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Kid had good form no issues standard dead lifting technique and standard amount of noise. If it was me personally dead lifting that idiot would have gotten one right hand as hard as I could throw it and he would have been flat out sleeping and bleeding on the floor while I continued my set to finish. Must have been jealous with his chicken legs that the kid had a 4-1/2 plate dead going on or something. just another asshole in the gym with some gear in him...... problem is though he does not understand that the juice does not make his chin any harder or tougher. Yup would have slept him for pulling that shit with me and not given it a second thought.


There is nothing wrong with the kids form a little loose as the reps go up but not brutal.

The Exercise is a DEADlift there is NO eccentric portion of the competition lift. Controlling the negative will lead to nothing but soreness and and an inability to properly recover for your next squat session. From what I've gathered the kid is training for powerlifting. #1 A gym that doesn't like noise is not a fucking gym #2 If the kid knew this he should have found another gym #3 What happened was assault plain and simple.

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Over the top that’s for damn sure....not fukin cool at all!! 

some people don’t have the mental capacity to deal with stressfull/difficult  situations and some are just ignorant as fuk as we just seen 

Clanging weights doesn’t really bug me. The only time I had ever been annoyed in a gym was when a dude was moaning and screaming like he was getting ass raped while doing tricep extensions. Personally I think he went to far, but I don’t really know the history. Maybe that kid goes out of his way to antagonize that guy every day until he snapped? Who knows?