Rotator cuff injury

Oct 5, 2018
It's not the first shoulder injury that I have but my GP told me that I'd better stop lifting weights for good and focus on cardio training.

Not sure I can do that .... I have been lifting for 30 years.

I can see taking a break for healing, then keeping light for a while, but advising you to stop for good sounds fishy. I'd suggest see a sports doc and take it from there. 

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Like I said in the shout earlier I got an injection of Prednisone last Friday and I’m still in pain. I’ve had 9 sessions of PT, they didn’t do shit.

 I have been told by my GP to stop lifting. Maybe he’s right 😞

Are you making rotator cuff exercises and stretching part of you regular lifting routine? I find if I don't then issues just com back once 'healed'