Safe Injection Techniques

Great info @OLYMPIC. I'm gonna be starting sub-q test enanthate for my trt. I got some pharma stuff. Going to give the androgel a break.

Anyone else here pin sub-q oils? Planning on .33 ml e3d to start. Everything i've researched says no more than .5ml sub-q of oils. 

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Great info @OLYMPIC. I'm gonna be starting sub-q test enanthate for my trt. I got some pharma stuff. Going to give the androgel a break.

Anyone else here pin sub-q oils? Planning on .33 ml e3d to start. Everything i've researched says no more than .5ml sub-q of oils. 
i have done some in my obliques,tad irritating at first but works wlel after

i have done some in my obliques,tad irritating at first but works wlel after
I'm kind of hesitant because of tales of big red lumps, stinging, burning.... but then other guys say they have no probs. 

We'll see i guess.

I'm kind of hesitant because of tales of big red lumps, stinging, burning.... but then other guys say they have no probs. 

We'll see i guess.
it was definitely irritant at times,this is where specific carrier oils helps with absorption rate. low viscosity is essential for subq shots

Solid share Oly, now you can make a video for each shot because some of us are visual learners ?

I am the biggest chicken and still have not done a self injected. I know sooner than later I will have to do it myself. I have a friend that do it for me 2 days a week. But she is getting very busy and it’s getting hard for her to do it. And I will be going back out to work soon so that’s going to take away from me going to her. If anyone have any idea or in couraging ideas or tips. Please that’s why I am here. Thanks everyone 

Great info @OLYMPIC. I'm gonna be starting sub-q test enanthate for my trt. I got some pharma stuff. Going to give the androgel a break.

Anyone else here pin sub-q oils? Planning on .33 ml e3d to start. Everything i've researched says no more than .5ml sub-q of oils. 
I do sub-q once in a while. No more than .5cc. I read a study that said trt is more effective sub q...something about only needing 80% of the regular i.m. dose.

So 100 mg i.m. would equate 80 mg sub-q.

I just did my usual .4cc (125 mg test e) both i.m. or sub-q...never noticed any difference.

Take it from me, don’t ever inject 1.5cc sub-q. I was fine, but I had a big angry red lump for a couple of weeks. 

Take it from me, don’t ever inject 1.5cc sub-q. I was fine, but I had a big angry red lump for a couple of weeks. 
Spot on!

I see all these, what I will call, "new agers" lol, just parroting what a few key people are pushing about being able to SubQ up to 2cc at a time. Absolute rubbish! Just from a common sense standpoint think about that volume of oil laying there just beneath the skin in the fatty tissue. None of them have actually ever pinned that much but hey, the party line to tow for those peeps is that  , "No one ever has any problems pinning Test SubQ!" lololol

These are the same peeps pushing bag cream as the new be all end all way to get your Test Yup, smearing cream all over your sack every day is so much better than shots...bwahahahaha

I don't know why people have such an issues with pinning.  I never ever read up on it ... it was trial and error, well I talked to my friends that were using injectables at the time to find out what they were doing.  My workouts are always more painful than any pin has ever been especially when doing forced reps, pause rest sets or drop down sets until you can no longer take the burn anymore.  Best location I have found is thighs.  I can sit down and relax my thigh and I can easily see where I am pinning.  I use a 23g 1 inch cause 2cc will go in real quick as where a 25g I am am pushing that plunger like a son of a bitch and it take forever to unload.  And if I wiggle screw the pin in slowly I seldom have had any pin that has hurt real bad and the few times I did I took the needle out and put it in another place.  There is a lot worse things than pinning. 🙂

Yea.  I’ve accidentally gone subq when I was younger do to little experience, and too short of needles.  I find that logic kind of flawed just by the physiology standpoint of have oil sitting between the skin and fat, causing inflammation and slower absorption.    Now that I’m older, bigger and leaner, I can get away with a 5/8 in the glute with no issues.   I’m a shaky guy, and have bent too many 1.5s in my ass which feels so amazing pulling out lol.   I like to stick glutes, delts. And if I get a clean no pip source I’ll pin traps.  No more quads for me.  Muscle is too dense and too large a margin for error.

I stick with th 1” in the glutes tried quad never again once I switched to leaving my vials in warm water before injecting made a world of difference 

I use 1.5'' in my glutes i find anything smaller i'm getting a little knot in their unless i'm on cruise and only putting a half cc in or something like that. In my shoulder i take the cap and cut it in half on a 1.5'' needle and use the cap a as guide so i guess i'm using a .75 inch and it works great.  I have tried to pin in my quads and it never really goes well i always seem to hit a nerve, no matter where i adjust the needle always the same result. I always use a 1'' in the quad i guess i could try to shorten it up.

Great read, thanks for sharing.

I always rotate sites between delts, glutes and quads. Delts I don’t go over 1cc shots, glutes are good for up to 2cc and quads I haven’t found a limit yet lol. 

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Great read, thanks for sharing.

I always rotate sites between delts, glutes and quads. Delts I don’t go over 1cc shots, glutes are good for up to 2cc and quads I haven’t found a limit yet lol. 
Depending on what I’m running, I’ll do 3 cc in the butt. 1.5 in delt