Saludos amigos

Aug 26, 2018
Ha estado ausente por un tiempo vio la escritura en la pared hace aproximadamente un año en el otro lugar y se fue. Me he mantenido informado durante ese tiempo a pesar de estar en Sudamérica. Veo algunos miembros conocidos del pasado aquí. Con suerte, las dificultades y los dogmas del tormentoso pasado están muy atrás. Para citar un dicho de los lugareños aquí. "Cuando el mal acecha a tu alrededor, tiene una sonrisa y una cara útil". El tiempo dirá qué tan caliente se pone esta junta.


Sorry Bro living in South America for like a year now so its Spanish 24/7 I will edit and include English under my post once the pregnasauris is gone to her sisters place LOL. 

 Hang tough for a bit and the Spanglish will appear like magic. 

Bienvenidos chacho !  Good to have you up in here GO! Really miss your input on things.  Hope everythings been smooth for you down in Columbia. Lets see, great weather, pharma gear, fine ass women ...  ?

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Yeah I left a year ago Saw the writing on the wall and put lots of little bits and pieces together to form the whole puzzle and wanted nothing to do with it. Moved here shortly there after and got my consulting business up and running. Despite being here I have been keeping myself informed as to the goings on as I have regular contact with some fellas from the forum and guys from the good old days who I know are solid as they come. Hopefully the dogmas of the stormy past are far behind and will not pop up again here on this board. The locals here have a bit of a saying and the translation in English might not make perfect sense but here it is. "When evil lurks around you it has a smile and a useful face"  Kind of like " the devil quotes scripture" 

 Anyway hopefully the weather is "cooled off" for you boyz 

Nice to see you here too @gettingolder. I always enjoyed your point of view & your knowledge. I especially enjoy all the mamacita stories LOL

Nice to see you here too @gettingolder. I always enjoyed your point of view & your knowledge. I especially enjoy all the mamacita stories LOL
Gracias amigo although the days of running up the numbers with the lovely ladies are for now in the past as I got snagged LOL. Sill get eye fucked 24/7 and phone numbers handed to me on a regular basis but I am being a good boy and concentrating on business, relaxing on my own terms and getting to 8% BF and holding. Same old story though I get down in the 210 range diced up and vascular then I want to start eating again and before ya know it a couple months later 250 plus again. Lucky I travel to Bogotá every couple of months to see customers. I can buy clothes that fit there pretty easy but not here on the coast. So great year round weather cheap living laid back culture and beach time is a religion but no clothing options. Could be worse though could be stuck with Truedope like you folks which aint fair.


Nice to hear from ya G.O.

Glad you are leaving some Latino Ladies for the rest of us ?

Gracias amigo although the days of running up the numbers with the lovely ladies are for now in the past as I got snagged LOL. Sill get eye fucked 24/7 and phone numbers handed to me on a regular basis but I am being a good boy and concentrating on business, relaxing on my own terms and getting to 8% BF and holding. Same old story though I get down in the 210 range diced up and vascular then I want to start eating again and before ya know it a couple months later 250 plus again. Lucky I travel to Bogotá every couple of months to see customers. I can buy clothes that fit there pretty easy but not here on the coast. So great year round weather cheap living laid back culture and beach time is a religion but no clothing options. Could be worse though could be stuck with Truedope like you folks which aint fair.

Bogota? I got some friends from Columbia. They say Bogota is even worse than Medellin!  Watch your back out there, bro

Sin preocupaciones hermano.

 Its the areas you frequent in the cities that can be the issue as well as the company you keep in those cities and what your activities are. Yeah you can get yourself perished in BOG or Med if you are there for coke and hookers and other risky shit in seedy areas. Did you friend mention Cali to you? Cali is the home of the current rejuvenation of the cartels that were in Med during the Escobar era. So if you want to see cars in the ditch that have been machine gunned to swiss cheese that's a place where you can see that in the seedy areas. I will tell ya there was a bombing here at a police station this past Feb about 10 miles from my place. 13 were killed and 30 or so injured. It was ELN that pulled the job and one of them was caught close to the scene reporting to the other rebels on his cell phone. Sad part about it is one of the officers that died was married to one of Cindy's close work friends he was cut in half by the blast wave. Really shitty deal 3 small children but as the saying goes freedom is not free.

That fucker they caught reporting in is living 7 kinds of hell and would probably be happy to only get water boarded. Shit you don't hear about is who he gives up to the fed authorities none of that get released to the public and those rebels ( mostly Marxist ideology ) get extreme prejudice justice and it is never reported and the regular people don't ask and don't care just as long as it gets taken care of with finality. Yeah man whoever they do get to gets a special ops visit and that's the end. Dead men tell no tales  

But any large city in the world has no go areas fuck I lived in Edmonton for 20 years and if you want to find trouble and get shanked or shot it ain't a problem.  Same with Winnipeg or Toronto , Vancouver, Dallas ,Miami ,Chicago Mexico City and on and on and on across the globe.

 Worst issue I have had here is a taxi driver ripping me off for double fare when I was heading home shitfaced. That's another story for another time though and he got his shortly there after.  

   Here is what's important

1  Learn about the culture and your surroundings

2 Do not engage in high risk activities or spend time in high risk areas

 3 Be respectful and polite

4 Don't be flashy like a player

 5 Inject 4 testoviron 250 per week ,3 units of GH  per day and one amp of primo a day eat lots of clean food drink lots of water do your cardio and hit the beach on the weekends

YMMV on the last one LOL  

Fear Profits a Man Nothing!


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Your right, everything major city has some type of bad area.

But maaaaan, some cities are worse than others, lol. Damn, i remember when i lived in Detroit, that whole damn city was bad, heheheh. Everywhere!  ?  You could get hit on the westside up and down Dexter Ave, the whole entire eastside, from the Brewsters and the Jefferies to just about anywhere on Grand Ave, Mack Ave etc etc ...   Got to a point where even north of 8 mile was bad. City was like Beirut ?

Your right, Ive heard of the craziness in Cali. When I lived in NYC (late 80s - early 90s) I used to go over to Queens and "interact" with some Medellin boys. They had a couple boys from Cali who ran with them.  Your right,  apparently their own cartel is going much stronger now. Although I dont keep up with none of that stuff nowadays. I been reformed ? ... honestly.

Well I'm glad your keeping safe, GO. Keep enjoying the beaches, the mamachulas, and the pharma gear, heheheh.

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Your right, everything major city has some type of bad area.

But maaaaan, some cities are worse than others, lol. Damn, i remember when i lived in Detroit, that whole damn city was bad, heheheh. Everywhere!  ?  You could get hit on the westside up and down Dexter Ave, the whole entire eastside, from the Brewsters and the Jefferies to just about anywhere on Grand Ave, Mack Ave etc etc ...   Got to a point where even north of 8 mile was bad. City was like Beirut ?

Your right, Ive heard of the craziness in Cali. When I lived in NYC (late 80s - early 90s) I used to go over to Queens and "interact" with some Medellin boys. They had a couple boys from Cali who ran with them.  Your right,  apparently their own cartel is going much stronger now. Although I dont keep up with none of that stuff nowadays. I been reformed ? ... honestly.

Well I'm glad your keeping safe, GO. Keep enjoying the beaches, the mamachulas, and the pharma gear, heheheh.
Not totally using pharm gear man  choices are limited so you have to travel to other countries down here to get certain items or have your goodies sent to you. Hormones here are a non issue to bring in either in your personal luggage or having shipped in. First couple of times Dian gave me some grief on my packages …. yeah meaning they wanted some GG          "greenback grease" That's how shit works here a fair bit of the time. Now I seldom have any issues with my supplements being slowed down. You know its impossible to get or find tren here. There have been some around that were fake as stripper titties so having a large supply of real and  potent tren is always good. Deca is 50 mg per ml which means slosh slosh when your walking around  300mg ml is way better same with eq 50 mg ml  and the old standby's like mast var tbol drol dbol ect need to be brought in versus traveling all over to find pharm shit  like brazil for var and drol  nothing out there for dbol. So I am more then well stocked enough on all the shit that is a pain in the ass to get or is only produced by other means. I cant imagine ever being without Mast that would be the end of days man LOL. 

 Good to see you got your VET status back Bolt 

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