serotonin makes you stronger ?


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2018
for ultra anaerobic purposes ?

If serotonin does not exhaust you, it makes you stronger

The SSRI intake resulted in a stronger force produced during a single maximal voluntary contraction. However, during repeated maximal voluntary contractions, the force produced and the time to exhaustion were reduced compared to individuals who ingested a placebo. To figure out if the fatigue observed in subjects who took paroxetine had a central or a peripheral origin, the authors used the superimposed twitch method. This technique consists in measuring the extra force produced by an electric chock applied on the motor nerve during maximal voluntary contractions. The amplitude of the superimposed twitch reflects the inability of the central nervous system to activate the muscle. Before fatiguing contractions, the superimposed twitch was smaller for subjects who took paroxetine. However, it became bigger after repeated maximal voluntary contraction. Since paroxetine did not change the contractile properties of the muscle, the authors concluded that the supplement of fatigue occurring after SSRI intake was purely central.