Sex at the gym


Aug 16, 2018
Just a fun read ?

Hey Girl, Need a Spot?

There's an unwritten rule about dating people at your gym. Here's the rule: Don't.

Why? Well, something about not pooping where you eat. But on the other hand, the gym is a social environment full of people with whom you have at least one thing in common. Plus, there's lots of skin showing, grunting, and bending over. So, mating behaviors naturally occur.

Now, two recent surveys have shed some light on what's really happening between sets.

Locker Room Shenanigans

According to one British survey of 2000 gym-goers, 20 percent said they've had sex AT the gym. Out of those frisky folks, 49 percent were straight, 31 percent were gay, and 20 percent just weren't picky.

But there's a problem here. The survey was conducted by Ann Summers, which is a UK sex shop. So we have to assume some bias in the data collection – people who shop at adult toy stores may statistically be more open to hooking up at the gym. Or maybe the Brits are just a randy bunch.

The second survey, though, is more reliable.


The Mating Rituals of Meatheads

A survey of 1000 people conducted by Elliptical Reviews gave us some fascinating insights. Here are the highlights:

  • 43 percent of women report being hit on at the gym. Only 21 percent of men report being hit on. This seems normal. In a related survey of 2000 women, only 10 percent said they'll make the first move.
  • People who flex in the mirror and drink protein shakes are 2.3 percent more likely to hit on someone during a workout. Those who take gym selfies are 1.9 percent more likely to flirt.
  • If a woman wears a tank top, she's 7 percent more likely to get asked for her digits than if she's wearing a T-shirt.Surprisingly, men get hit on slightly more often if they're wearing hoodies. (Tank tops came in second for men.)
  • The more time you spend in the gym, the better your odds (or worse depending on your perspective) of getting hit on. Just spending 7 more minutes in the gym and an extra 3 days a month boosts your odds. Play those numbers, players.
  • People get approached more at gyms where the monthly fee is LOWER. Hmm, cheap gym, cheap dates? Or maybe more younger singles go to less expensive gyms, while married older people go to more expensive gyms.
  • 71 percent of men admit to staring at women in the gym while only 53 percent of women do. But creepily, more women secretly take photos of other people at the gym (8 percent of women do it verses 6 percent of men.) That's weird, people.
  • 97 percent of gym flirters say that it has worked for them. 66 percent report hook-ups, 61 percent said they've gotten a real date out of it, and 24 percent have started a serious romantic relationship at the gym.
Unfortunately, I’m guilty of this.

I’ve done it all. I’ve strutted around naked, I’ve had sex on a bench, cages, treadmills and made lots (oh man so many) lewd and inappropriate comments, and.....other things that the even the dark side of the online community would deem distasteful, while boasting a modest 95% success rate.

I also own a full gym in my garage, and my wife’s a freak ?

I typically workout at home due to logistics, but when I do go to a gym nobody ever talks to me, makes eye contact with me, or even asks to use equipment that I'm on. Women look at the floor if I'm walking by. Is like I've got the plague... I do like having my personal space though, so I'm not complaining.

Although last time I was at the gym a bigger guy walked right up to me on his way out and stuck his fist out for a bump, which I reciprocated, gave me a nod, and left. So I must be doing something right.

I typically workout at home due to logistics, but when I do go to a gym nobody ever talks to me, makes eye contact with me, or even asks to use equipment that I'm on. Women look at the floor if I'm walking by. Is like I've got the plague... I do like having my personal space though, so I'm not complaining.

Although last time I was at the gym a bigger guy walked right up to me on his way out and stuck his fist out for a bump, which I reciprocated, gave me a nod, and left. So I must be doing something right.
Lol I love your stories and at the same time always feel bad ? 

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Yeah yeah yeah... everyone says dont shit where you eat. They can bite me. Where the fuck else am i supposed to meet people? Bars? pubs? Fuck off. I'm too busy to 'go out' to meet people anyways. There is going to the gym to mack on chicks (dick move), and then there is being open to flirtation, and meeting people who clearly are interested. The latter is fine. My last handful of relationships, including two long term ones, were all gym meet-ups. I avoided a LOT of surprises that way, and had a pretty good idea of who i was dating before the first date even. I've also weeded out a lot of bad ideas... good looking as they may have been.

Thing is... you can learn a lot from people at the gym. Attraction counts, this is obvious, and at the gym there is no hiding those 'areas' that can be so easily hid or 'modified' when fully decked-out. You can tell fitness level, you can see dedication. You can see if health is actually a priority, or if its just some bullshit someone feels they have to do to not get fat. BIG difference. Do all the butt exercises and cardio you want, spend all the money you want on 'serious' gym gear, i can spot a dilettante a mile away. You can also tell someone's intelligence level too, before you can even talk to them. We live in an age where it is just not acceptable to be ignorant of how to do simple things, and so if someone still cant figure out the basest exercises, or even how to move the peg on a weight stack, well... Further, like with any forced proximity, you can fairly easily tell someone's overall tone... as in, their state of mind, their 'happiness'. I see some fit, beautiful, and absolutely fucking miserable women in the gym. At the bar, they'd hide that and you'd be finding out the hard way. 

Thats the men's angle. Women can do this too. So easy to spot a narcissist in the gym, or an arrogant asshole. Its easy to spot the lazy and the guys always looking for the easy way, and as a friend assures me, its also a great way to appraise a guy's general manners. If she's talking to someone she's interested in, and some cute thing walks by and he gawks, well...  red flag. And gyms are FULL of cute distractions. Another girl i know wont touch a guy who doesn't seriously work his legs (ALL girls should do this). Big sign of a peacock or narcissist. Also a sign of someone not interested in hard work. Guys (and girls) that snap selfies and IG/SC everything, guys (and girls) that cant pass a mirror without checking themselves out, people who dont clean up after themselves, people being dicks about hogging stations/not letting others work in, people who are just there to show off (when they have nothing to show off), the guy who's smooching up a brand new girl every week, ... red flag city. All this behavior is invisible in other arenas; the bar/club, online dating, at the supermarket... wherever. 

I think the gym is a great place for like-minded people to meet. Even better if the gym is a BIG part of your life, ie: you're an athlete, competitive bodybuilder, as where else might you meet someone else as dedicated? 

I have a lot of women who smile at me at the gym. I smile back, but I keep my headphones and don't really offer a conversation. 

I'm there to workout. The hour is about me, it's my time. I assume they are there for the same reason. 

I'm married, so I could care less. 

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I don’t notice looks very often. I am the worst at reading attraction from females. When I was single I would just go up to a girl and go um your hot. I am awkward as fuck and completely gameless in those situations, but for some reason it worked more often then not. I never had a the slightest hint that they liked me most of the time. I was just a horny fuck and it was the only way I knew how to get laid lol

Never hooked up at the gym itself but it is one of the best spots to pull from. I'd rather have a partner that I have things in common with and it's easier to tell which ones look after themselves properly.

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"According to one British survey of 2000 gym-goers, 20 percent said they've had sex AT the gym. Out of those frisky folks, 49 percent were straight, 31 percent were gay,..."

31 percent were gay?  Seems high to me.  

How gay is your gym?  How do you know?

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My gym is a sausage fest. When the odd female comes in, the dudes all workout in her area...all of a sudden, it's leg day for everyone hahaha.

My gym is a sausage fest. When the odd female comes in, the dudes all workout in her area...all of a sudden, it's leg day for everyone hahaha.
I guess you are well below the 31 p.cent reported above at  your gym.

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"According to one British survey of 2000 gym-goers, 20 percent said they've had sex AT the gym. Out of those frisky folks, 49 percent were straight, 31 percent were gay,..."

31 percent were gay?  Seems high to me.  

How gay is your gym?  How do you know?
I know a guy that used to go to a GoodLife in downtown Toronto. He walked in on a lot of gay shit late at night in the locker room.

And management did nothing ?  Years ago at my gym guys were jerking off with their shower curtain opened so that the guys across could watch them shoot their cum...  Management simply removed the curtains and this practice stopped. .

And management did nothing ?  Years ago at my gym guys were jerking off with their shower curtain opened so that the guys across could watch them shoot their cum...  Management simply removed the curtains and this practice stopped. .
He didn’t really say. It was in or near the gay part of Toronto so straight dudes like him were outnumbered as far as clients and probably even staff. He would get eye fucked too much during the day it the change room, so he tried going at night. It went well at first, but he happened upon a lot raunchier shit lol, so eventually just started changing and showering in his apartment.

This is funny stuff. I’ve been married for 15 years so K am way out of the game. However, there are female gym regulars I chat with here and there.  Some very attractive. The dumb shit they tell me guys say to them is priceless.  

Here is some advice.  Don’t gawk at yourself it’s a bad quality. Be modest.

Be yourself and say normal things. Saying a corny sexual innuendos right off the hop is creepy. 

Just letting the single guys here know what these women are telling me.