Should you do cardio before you lift?

We were doing cardio pre workout and stopped for exaclty that. It took away from the work outs. Do it after now....... well sometime lol. Slacking lately.
Yes i do cardio after training as well i used to do it before when i started bodybuilding but found out i had no energy left to train...

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NO, Unless its used as a warmup only, personally I tan a few mins and warmup over the first 10min of my WO with really light db

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Depends where you are in your training and diet cycle. If you're bulking or in a maintenance phase preworkout cardio is great. If I'm eating in a surplus I don't have to worry about emptying the tank from a 20 min run prior to working out. Some cardio gets your heart rate going, gets your muscles loose, it's great preworkout of you're eating right.

NO, Unless its used as a warmup only, personally I tan a few mins and warmup over the first 10min of my WO with really light db
I use this as well minus the tanning, using the rowing machine for 10-15 minutes before my work outs gets my body awake heart pumping and joints moving.  

I also use loaded stretching (don’t know the technical term) prior to starting a work out again use this to get muscles awake and joints moving

I guess 5 mins on the elliptical doesn’t count as Cardio? This is all I do preworkout. Gets the blood flowing and warms my joints. On the subject though, what’s the best amount of time on a chosen machine for fat burning? Given that the effort is there.

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I guess 5 mins on the elliptical doesn’t count as Cardio? This is all I do preworkout. Gets the blood flowing and warms my joints. On the subject though, what’s the best amount of time on a chosen machine for fat burning? Given that the effort is there.
Really depends on the person and how you are doing cardio. I prefer medium intensity cardio. Not traditional low intensity walking on an incline for 45-60 minutes but also not HIIT sprinting followed by rest.

I like doing 20-30 minutes on the treadmill. Warm up for 2-3 minutes with a brisk walk and then transition to a jog/run (6-7mph), finish the last few minutes walking to cool down. Depending on your endurance you might walk more or less at the end. If you're really just starting out maybe do 3-5 run then a walk to cool off for 2-3 minutes then another 3-5 minute run followed by your cool off.

I think this is most effective liss sometimes is just way too low intensity and HIIT is really good for cardio health and will make you sweat but I'm not sure how great it is in terms of fat burning. Typically you end HIIT because you're gassed or have a lactic acid build up.. Medium intensity as I layed out let's you get a good session in as little as 15-20 but if you're looking to pick it up you can add a few extra minutes to each session every week and build up to 30-40 minutes.

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I guess 5 mins on the elliptical doesn’t count as Cardio? This is all I do preworkout. Gets the blood flowing and warms my joints. On the subject though, what’s the best amount of time on a chosen machine for fat burning? Given that the effort is there.
To me the rowing machine is the best for fat burning activating the most number of muscles legs arms back. This is just my personal experience what I find works for me.  If you hate your cardio you won’t do it.  Find what works for you and run with it.  Does it matter if stair climber is the best for fat loss but you dread doing it?

just my .02

To me the rowing machine is the best for fat burning activating the most number of muscles legs arms back. This is just my personal experience what I find works for me.  If you hate your cardio you won’t do it.  Find what works for you and run with it.  Does it matter if stair climber is the best for fat loss but you dread doing it?

just my .02
Couldn’t agree more. This is what I’ve been trying to tell my girlfriend. “Find something you enjoy, because if you hate it you’ll quit and then you won’t be losing ANY weight”

I guess 5 mins on the elliptical doesn’t count as Cardio? This is all I do preworkout. Gets the blood flowing and warms my joints. On the subject though, what’s the best amount of time on a chosen machine for fat burning? Given that the effort is there.
Same here, I find if I don't do 5-10 to warm up now that I'm mid 40's; chiropractor and masseuse visits increase drastically.