Shoulder pain how to get back to lifting.


Trusted Member
Aug 17, 2018
Was looking for some opinions on what to do for this injury would really like to get back to lifting. 

On February 3 2018 i was training chest and triceps and thought I would try a one rep max on bench since I hadn’t done one for months since my shoulder would bug me bench pressing every so offten. That day I was originally supposed to do 5x5’s on bench but my shoulder felt pretty good and thought I’d give a one rep a go. Which turned out to be a bad idea. I unracked the weight brought It down to my chest did a 1 second pause then pushed got up almost half way then all the sudden my shoulder hurt pretty bad had to get my buddy to pull the weight off as I couldn’t push no more as it hurt to much. About 2 weeks after that mishap I went to the doctor they said nothing is wrong with my shoulder he said give it a 2-3 weeks and maybe try physio so did just that. After 3 weeks Tried doing a couple things in the gym but it would bug me to much. Tried going back to the doctor to get a mri or something but wait list was 6 to 12montns depending where you go and he was still Convinced that mine shoulder was fine lol. Then on April 10 2018 I said screw it and paid $875 for a private mri got in the next day. The findings were a very short segment tear which appears full thickness through the anterior fibres of the infraspinatus close to the insertions. This measures just 3mm in width and 9 mm in length. I’ll post a pic of the report so you can read the findings. Anyways I am rolling up to the 8 month mark on this injury. The pain is off and on. If I do something wrong with my shoulder it will be sore sometimes for a week then feel better. It’s really up and down. I would really like to get back into the gym lifting as I’m bored without lifting. I work out every now and then but I’m very limited. I do rotator cuff exercises 2-3times a weeks. This will include external rotation with a light resistance band and a variety of stretches. So far I’ve tried PRP this helped a little I think, but it’s very expensive. And I’ve ran mk2866 (Ostarine) as some people say this will help with injuries. Btw I didn’t get surgery as the orthopaedic surgeon said It should heal by its self. any suggestions or help would be appreciated thanks. 


your doctor is correct.  this will heal on its own.  make aure you go very ligh and higher rep for external rotations

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Sorry I didn't get to this sooner:
onterrible is right

higher rep ranges, less weight, no huge pressing/compound movements - get the tissue used to pain free loading, and rep out external rotations on bands or cables

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I have the same thing from flat bench pressing.....I am finding that stretching the shoulders and warming up the shoulder joints and muscles is what works best.

Trying larger doses of Glucosamine Sulfate.