Skinnyfat to Alpha Male: how lifting and AAS changed my life

Mar 28, 2019
I was always that tall lanky kid, 6’2” y’all and weighing around 140 lbs. As I got older, I didn’t even have the “skinny kid abs”, instead I was just a rail with a soft stomach. I was always charismatic and reasonably smooth with women, but lacked the physical stature and the confidence that comes with size to really make them stay and compete against other males. In other words, I wasn’t exactly an alpha. I often shied away from confrontation and many times found myself in a situation where I wanted to tell someone off for being a dick, or stand up for myself when someone cut me in line or wasn’t treating me with respect. In my senior year of high school, I really fell in with the stoners, lost all social status and became victim to my anxiety and depression. 3 years ago (when the first picture shown was taken), my uncle (who was a 240 pound, muscled up chad) invited me to the gym to workout with him. I’d always looked up to him and admired the way he could charm women, stand up to people who needed to be stood up to, and could command respect in any situation. It was only a week after my first lift with him and I decided to purchase a membership and take a trip to the supplement store to stock up on everything that I thought would make me huge haha. Fast forward 3 years to where I am now. I’ve ran a few cycles, gained about 80 pounds and am a completely different person. I’m the person I always wanted to be. I’m now married to an amazing woman, i have learned immeasurable self discipline and am no longer ruled by my anxiety. I got off my anti-depressant medication and have a large social circle of good friends who will no longer even attempt to arm wrestle me haha. People generally treat me with more respect and I find myself reflecting that energy and being a kinder person to strangers. Overall, bodybuilding and AAS have improved my life in immeasurable ways already and I’m no where near my ideal physique. I have a long road ahead of me and can’t wait to make more gainz in and outside of the gym with bodytech on my side.



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Thats awesome to hear man, I for one can understand were you're coming from. The changes you've made are crazy.

Thats awesome to hear man, I for one can understand were you're coming from. The changes you've made are crazy.
Thanks man I appreciate it! It’s a lot like martial arts, the skills you gain are much more than just the physical aspects.

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Awesome transformation!   You definitely have the body type for classic physique.  Tall, wide shoulders back and chest, skinny waist.  Keep it up bro, with that physique at your age, you can do some great things!  Could only imagine the progress of another 3 years.  Keep it up!

Thanks a ton! That’s one of the most motivational comments I’ve ever received! I really appreciate it

Awesome transformation!   You definitely have the body type for classic physique.  Tall, wide shoulders back and chest, skinny waist.  Keep it up bro, with that physique at your age, you can do some great things!  Could only imagine the progress of another 3 years.  Keep it up!