Sleep advice.


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Aug 15, 2018
Looking for some advice on getting sleep. 

Falling a sleep isn’t the problem. It’s staying asleep. I get up to pee or something, or my body just wakes itself up way way before my alarm and I can’t fall back a sleep. Just lay there. Brain wo t slow down. I’m 100% it’s work stress/anxiety related. I was hoping to avoid drugs, but I’m kinda at my wits end here. Figured I’d reach out see if anyone has any advice to try first. 

Feel your pain bro. Same issue, especially on cycle. Melatonin helps before bed, and if you do wake take 5 more mg. Sadly I have reverted to drugs when it gets really bad to the point I’m falling asleep at work.. currently trying ghb or zopiclon. Tho tbh my sleep apnea machine seems to have made the biggest difference 

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Looking for some advice on getting sleep. 

Falling a sleep isn’t the problem. It’s staying asleep. I get up to pee or something, or my body just wakes itself up way way before my alarm and I can’t fall back a sleep. Just lay there. Brain wo t slow down. I’m 100% it’s work stress/anxiety related. I was hoping to avoid drugs, but I’m kinda at my wits end here. Figured I’d reach out see if anyone has any advice to try first. 
When I was on any gear that dries me out, I'd be pissing 1, 2, 3 times a night. Test only there's no problem. I'm lucky I don't have a problem falling back asleep. Wish I had some advice but if it's about work stress, try to end work right when work ends and try not to think about it. Maybe meditate a little bit before going to sleep to clear your mind?

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White noise can help for sure. If you are going pee or something make sure you don't turn on the light. You could also get a low dose melatonin pill and take it when you wake up to go pee. That could help your body signal it's still time to sleep.

THC soft gels have been a godsend for me but that's more so to fall asleep.

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I currently take CBD and melatonin about 45 minutes before bed and it’s working very well for me. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.

I currently take CBD and melatonin about 45 minutes before bed and it’s working very well for me. CBDB NorthernLifters Admin Team.
The cbd what’s the dose? I actually hadn’t thought of that. But No THC right? I’ll never fall asleep if I’m stoned 😂

When I was on any gear that dries me out, I'd be pissing 1, 2, 3 times a night. Test only there's no problem. I'm lucky I don't have a problem falling back asleep. Wish I had some advice but if it's about work stress, try to end work right when work ends and try not to think about it. Maybe meditate a little bit before going to sleep to clear your mind?
How does one meditate? Seems like it should be simple. Can’t seem to clear my head enough to focus. 

I take 500mg to 1000mg before bed depending on how I feel, I use the BodyTech CBD.

Another vote for CBD.  I have tried many different things and while some of the harder prescription items do work, I find I always wake up feeling like a pile of poo. 

CBD pre-bed and if needed in the middle of the night. I also find just focusing on feeling my breathing vs. letting my mind bounce off the walls helps. 

How does one meditate? Seems like it should be simple. Can’t seem to clear my head enough to focus. 
My girlfriend has been using Headspace for something over a year now. It's neat. There's a free trial you can start with on your mobile phone. She'll put it on when we go to bed and the audio guides you through the process. 

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Go to a sleep clinic.  I did and found out I have severe apnea. Now I use a  CPAP machine and it’s life changing!  

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I work at a General Hospital and we have what’s called a sleep lab. I have had insomnia for years, can’t sleep without a pill but there’s no way I would be able to sleep at all if I was wearing a hat with wires connected to a machine. 
That said if you have sleep apnea (like one of my X’s when he was running tren), it would be safer to have it diagnosed.

I went to a sleep clinic and they found my blood pressure was actuating raising when I fell asleep. Now I’ve got my fancy cpap machine and I’m getting much better rest. Now, even when I hit 240-250 I don’t snore! The ladies are happy with that. 

get checked out bro. Sleep apnea will kill you slowly

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Small dose of THC oil works well too. Just make sure to experiment with the dose not to wake up groggy. Works great for me.

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