So it’s been a year! How’d you do?


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
So it’s been a year since the first shut down (here in Alberta). 
Wondering how ya’ll made do during the last year?

how much home gym equipment you end up buying? How’d you change your training/diet to adjust? 

Hows them gains looking from the last 12 months. 

Let’s here it!

Did pretty good here. Already had a decent amount of equipment at home so the workouts still got done. We live in the country so I had 100's of km to ride the bike and get some cardio lol. Just under 5000km ridden last year with the shutdowns and time off work 😁👍🏻

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Lol flat af here. I'd say I'm back to where I was one year ago, which is unfortunate because I made some nice progress during the 4-5 months the gyms opened up. Couldn't really afford the overpriced gym equipment and 90% of it was sold out and on backorder. Mostly been walking outside and doing some bodyweight stuff at home a few times a week. I miss the gym.

Diet's been clean though, this whole time. Just eating less and not tracking calories. 

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Not doing well. I just want this shit to end in Ontario. Hope the vaccine starts creating herd immunity and gyms open again. Damn it's going to be amazing to go to a proper gym again, I'll never take it for granted again.
I hear ya. Also an Ontario resident. I’m fortunate to have access to gym equipment 12 days a month. Better than nothing, but really miss the gym.