Sponsor Verification


Aug 15, 2018
Due to a lot of the issues that have happened over the years we have given ALL sponsors the right to VERIFY should they choose to prove you are who you say you are. After the first order you will then be in good standing, and should not have to do this again. Sponsors have the right at anytime to ask for verification.  What I will look at doing is allow the sponsors to create a tab, or star system to then show you have been vetted and are in good standing.  This should alleviate the need to have to re-verify should you move from sponsor to sponsor.

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It's very hard to verify anyone online.

How wound this verification even work other then someone give there word for a person?


It's very hard to verify anyone online.

How wound this verification even work other then someone give there word for a person?

im not a sponsor so how or if they choose to verify is up to them this applies to the new people who come on here without a referral.  I made this post to keep the new members from being sketched out should a sponsor choose to some how ask for verification.   They have the right to refuse service and not deal with any member they choose as safety is their right.  However or whatever they need To do to protect themselves I support

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better than nothing?rest its up to the sponsors
its true its a cat shoot but whatever they need to do to feel safe I fully support one day hopefully soon the govt gets it right and legalizes AAS again.    I just don't get it alcohol is pure fucking poison (delicious) but poison and its legal  the only reason I see it being illegal is because the drug companies can't compete with the raw market,