Status titles what they mean and some Rules


Aug 15, 2018
To be rewarded any status, there are minimum requirements set by staff.

Vet minimum: 100 posts but posts that are supportive of the board and its members. You much demonstrate that your intention is for the best of the board and you must also show a leadership role for new members. Being active is key,being a vet from another board means nothing here. Your status will be earned here, not given

Trusted members: Someone who has done transactions with sponsors and the sponsor can vouch for the member

Premium: is like fight club lol we don't talk about it

All titles can be stripped for breaking rules and can warrant  a ban without warning. Rules are set below

Do not disrespect any staff

Take issues with reps to pm,stop flooding their threads or indirectly stirring shit in their threads

Bashing a lab without any proof will warrant an automatic ban

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trusted is important to other sponsors,it will make their vetting situation much easier.

Sponsors make the board and if we dont show  support,we will lose sponsors. This doesnt mean we will be biased but this means we expect common sense to be used. Every lab has its flaws,give people chances,go directly to the lab to work it out. If everything fails then you are free to lay down the law on the sponsor but if you break the rules,we will remove you from here. 

I agree with @NorthernLifters

There are way to deal with issues between a customer and lab. it should be kept private unless there are very unusual circumstances. 

i personally never have had a lab ignore any complain or concern I had. Ever. And I've used labs that were hammered on some other boards. So I am very leary of someone opening on the board popping off about a lab. They are usually some noob who is nervous and expects a response immediately. 

Protecting the interests of the board should more important than to have "members" who are self-interested and irresponsible. 

This is definitely how it should be. Glad everyone’s on the same page. Nice to see community.