Steroids and teenagers


Aug 16, 2018







If you listen to the talking heads, when it comes to anabolic steroids you’re probably under the impression steroids and teenagers is the epidemic of the modern era. Almost any time a news report discusses anabolic steroids, it doesn’t matter what the discussion is based upon it will to a degree turn to or at least mention steroids and teenagers almost each and every time. For those who hate anabolic steroids, this is one of their main weapons; anabolic steroids plus teenagers equals bad news. When anabolic steroids are mentioned in a professional sports scandal, each and every time we hear how such activity is damaging to young, impressionable minds because it encourages them to supplement. This leads us to a very important question; are they right? Do steroids and teenagers not mix; do pro athletes supplementing with steroids influence our children, and is there truly an epidemic on our hands?

In the eyes of the anti-steroid crowd, the answer to the above questions is yes for everyone, and enough reason to keep anabolic steroids on the controlled substance list. Again we ask, are they correct in their thinking? Let’s go ahead and get this right out of the way; steroids and teenagers do not mix; such a relationship can be extremely damaging to their fragile and developing bodies. We’ll explain more as we go along, but what about the other two questions, the influential factor and the epidemic? If these are non-existent problems it puts a massive hole in the anti-argument; it doesn’t change the fact steroids should not be used by teenagers, but it does raise questions regarding the controlled nature of the hormones. Let’s take a look and see what we can find.

Steroids 101

To discuss this topic with any validity, we must first have a general understanding of anabolic steroids. Anabolic Androgenic Steroids generally referred to as “Anabolic Steroids” or “AAS” are synthetic derivatives of the primary male androgen Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone to a lesser degree. The term “Anabolic Steroid” itself is a generic term, as it refers to a large class of hormones of which there are many. These are not foreign substances to the body; although they are synthetically made they are hormones the body is well accustomed to.

To understand AAS, we can learn a lot from the term itself, as each word is very telling. Steroids are four-cyclic rings of 17 carbon atoms; there are literally hundreds and hundreds of steroids found in the human body and nature, even in plants; many are not of an anabolic nature, but the ones we’re concerned with are of an anabolic and fat based nature. As for “Anabolic” this refers to anabolism or in simplistic terms “muscle building”; one way to phrase it is anabolic refers to the constructive nature of the metabolism. Then we’re left with androgenic, which simply refers to the promotion of the male sexual characteristics.

This is anabolic steroids in a general sense; now you at least know what they are, but we assure you there is so much more to learn about them directly and we encourage you to do some digging. However, here we are only concerned about steroids and teenagers and the arguments made revolving around the subject, and now that we know what steroids are we can do just that.

The Dangers of Steroids and Teenagers

When it comes to the argument against the relationship of steroids and teenagers, this argument is dead on the money; the two should never for any reason exist with one another. There are several reasons steroids and teenagers do not mix three specifically, and while two are facts the one used by the anti-steroid crowd has yet to be proven as fact, but there’s a decent possibility it may hold some truth. The argument is simple; anabolic steroids will stunt a developing body’s growth by closing growth plates prematurely. If this is true, it is a sound argument, but it’s nowhere near as damaging as the other two which are absolute facts.

When steroids and teenagers collide, this has a strong, negative impact on their natural androgen production which has yet to fully develop to its full capacity. Some teens will find supplementation enhances their puberty rate in an unsatisfactory manner, as well as lead to inefficient androgen production in the long run. To make matter worse, anabolic steroids appear to have a tremendously negative impact on the mental state of teenagers. Many teenagers often experience severe depression after discontinuing anabolic steroid use; something that is normally not a problem for healthy adult men. For an adolescent, once use is discontinued his testosterone levels will be low, very low, and low testosterone can cause depression in any man regardless of age; however, let’s remember what was discussed above. When an adult man discontinues use, he is doing so with an already well-developed androgen system, and as such his natural testosterone production will begin again. As you recall, there’s a good chance a teen has damaged his androgen production, and while his natural production may begin again it will more than likely do so at a rate that is unsatisfactory. Further, most adults who supplement with anabolic steroids understand you do not simply stop and hope for the best; that’s the last thing you want to do. Most adult men will do things to promote their natural testosterone production, to get production going again at an efficient level; this is a thought most teens don’t know they need to have, and as such is tremendously damaging.

The BS Argument

There are a few arguments made by the anti-steroid crowd, but for years, the primary argument made has been that anabolic steroids must be controlled in-order to protect children. Even presidents have jumped on the bandwagon, stating pro athlete use sends the wrong message to teens. Of course, they would also argue the campaign has been successful based on the numbers we stated above, but come on, let’s be honest about the whole thing. By “protecting the children”, (massive eye role implied) we are punishing free adults. We know children shouldn’t take steroids, but we know they shouldn’t smoke or drink either, but of course they are and at high rates. Even so, we control these items in a way that allows adults to make a decision for themselves; can the same not be done with anabolic steroids?

Of course, the argument is made about keeping sports clean and pure, and if a sport deems steroid use is cheating then it’s cheating pure and simple. What about the rest of us; what about the six-million who largely supplement for their own personal benefit, they don’t play sports, they simply want to look better; are they not entitled to decide for themselves? If a free adult who lives in the United States decides to supplement with anabolic steroids, if he makes this decision based upon the liberty he has been granted as an American citizen, if his decision does not infringe on the life, liberty or pursuit of happiness of another can he not decide for himself? If you want to drink yourself into oblivion you are free to do so; if you want to eat four-hundred doughnuts a day until your gut explodes you are granted this right as a free human being. In either case, you’re an idiot, but by liberty we are allowed to be idiots so as long as we do so by our own hand and harm no one else. How is it anabolic steroids are any different?

If you want to drink yourself into oblivion you are free to do so; if you want to eat four-hundred doughnuts a day until your gut explodes you are granted this right as a free human being. In either case, you’re an idiot, but by liberty we are allowed to be idiots so as long as we do so by our own hand and harm no one else. How is it anabolic steroids are any different?

This, exactly. In my opinion alcohol and junk food is way worse than any anabolic steroids out there. Let's face it, everyone here on this forum is working out, trying to better themselves and look good in the mirror, we want to achieve greatness, be the best of ourselves. We won't do it by eating junk food and drinking a shit ton of alcohol. This forum is the best, there is countless people here that are using steroids and that are healthier than 99% of the population not doing steroids and eating shit all the time.

If you want to drink yourself into oblivion you are free to do so; if you want to eat four-hundred doughnuts a day until your gut explodes you are granted this right as a free human being. In either case, you’re an idiot, but by liberty we are allowed to be idiots so as long as we do so by our own hand and harm no one else. How is it anabolic steroids are any different?

This, exactly. In my opinion alcohol and junk food is way worse than any anabolic steroids out there. Let's face it, everyone here on this forum is working out, trying to better themselves and look good in the mirror, we want to achieve greatness, be the best of ourselves. We won't do it by eating junk food and drinking a shit ton of alcohol. This forum is the best, there is countless people here that are using steroids and that are healthier than 99% of the population not doing steroids and eating shit all the time.
The one big thing that I will add, and this is a personal pet peeve.

While people may have the right to do as tey please so long as it doesn't negatively impact others, when I see for example a a 20 year old, in good health, talking about wanting to run AAS cycles, who is then asked questions about their diet, work-out regimen etc etc and responds haughtily with things like "what difference does it make how long I have been working out" or "what's it to you what I am eating", it really grinds my gears. people that haven't even remotely begun to experience their own personal fullest potential b4 adding PEDs are literally robbing themselves of that opportunity or the reward/satisfaction that will come along with. The lack of desire even to experience that based on hard work and determination alone speaks volumes.

We have then, at that moment, at the realization of it, crossed over and away from anything relating to the physicality of it, to the physical performance enhancement, and are now dealing with quite simply put, a lack of strength in character. You may well be legally able to do whatever to your body but the fact that you lack the desire to put in the work, sans the shortcuts, speaks directly to the weakness of your character and perhaps even to the level of vanity and hubris that is displacing things like altruistic pride, and work ethic.

A little older, a little wiser, and having either reached your full genetic potential minus any PEDs and have at it, perhaps if the intent from the start is to get a pro card in BB then have at it but wanting to look good at the beach, in your mind look better than what solid hard work time in the gym will yield....well that just doesn't cut it in my humble opinion and again is symptomatic of the failings/flaws in character thatI mentioned!

Theres a  YT vid by some guy named Noah something or other  talking about all of the things he wished he'd know before embarking on TRT. None of the things were any mystery and the info was all easily found and some of it, like eating a healthy diet is just good old fashioned common sense but somehow it was lost on him and apparently he needed someone to tell him that you need to eat healthy. Worse, somehow he got it in his head that testosterone was some super-human ability granting compound that would remove the necessity to eat healthy and that would fix all of his other problems like mental health issues etc. He wishes that he knew that wsn't the case before ever starting on TRT?

0 effort put into research/learning, 0 attempts to contact someone who is an expert, 0, 0, 0, 0 of anything but after the fact whinging and whining about it. The only certain way to fail at anything,, to achive 0 results as a certainty,  is inaction! So as much as anyone may have the right to do whatever, so long as people refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions, it is going to create a problematic scenario where we will then have the conflict between a person's rights and perhaps society as a whole needing to protect that person from themselves!

Just some food for thought!

The one big thing that I will add, and this is a personal pet peeve.

While people may have the right to do as tey please so long as it doesn't negatively impact others, when I see for example a a 20 year old, in good health, talking about wanting to run AAS cycles, who is then asked questions about their diet, work-out regimen etc etc and responds haughtily with things like "what difference does it make how long I have been working out" or "what's it to you what I am eating", it really grinds my gears. people that haven't even remotely begun to experience their own personal fullest potential b4 adding PEDs are literally robbing themselves of that opportunity or the reward/satisfaction that will come along with. The lack of desire even to experience that based on hard work and determination alone speaks volumes.

We have then, at that moment, at the realization of it, crossed over and away from anything relating to the physicality of it, to the physical performance enhancement, and are now dealing with quite simply put, a lack of strength in character. You may well be legally able to do whatever to your body but the fact that you lack the desire to put in the work, sans the shortcuts, speaks directly to the weakness of your character and perhaps even to the level of vanity and hubris that is displacing things like altruistic pride, and work ethic.

A little older, a little wiser, and having either reached your full genetic potential minus any PEDs and have at it, perhaps if the intent from the start is to get a pro card in BB then have at it but wanting to look good at the beach, in your mind look better than what solid hard work time in the gym will yield....well that just doesn't cut it in my humble opinion and again is symptomatic of the failings/flaws in character thatI mentioned!

Theres a  YT vid by some guy named Noah something or other  talking about all of the things he wished he'd know before embarking on TRT. None of the things were any mystery and the info was all easily found and some of it, like eating a healthy diet is just good old fashioned common sense but somehow it was lost on him and apparently he needed someone to tell him that you need to eat healthy. Worse, somehow he got it in his head that testosterone was some super-human ability granting compound that would remove the necessity to eat healthy and that would fix all of his other problems like mental health issues etc. He wishes that he knew that wsn't the case before ever starting on TRT?

0 effort put into research/learning, 0 attempts to contact someone who is an expert, 0, 0, 0, 0 of anything but after the fact whinging and whining about it. The only certain way to fail at anything,, to achive 0 results as a certainty,  is inaction! So as much as anyone may have the right to do whatever, so long as people refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions, it is going to create a problematic scenario where we will then have the conflict between a person's rights and perhaps society as a whole needing to protect that person from themselves!

Just some food for thought!
100% what you just said. Some people are always going to try to take shortcuts in life because, well why not? It's way easier than putting the efforts right? That's where they are wrong and where you are right brother. Young people going to the gym for weeks/months wants to be as big as the guy next to them that has been working out for years and years, and all of their idols on youtube and social medias are clearly on PEDs, so they say why not themselves? I agree with you, most young guys hopping on roids don't even know what the hell they are doing, their diet is shit, they don't sleep at night etc.. and they clearly have not been in the gym long enough or mature enough to take any anabolic steroids. Believe me, Ive seen people in the gym that admitted being on roids and they looked natty at best, that kind of people is what you don't want to be. I was kind of targeting myself in your answer, I did my first cycle at 22yo, but I had 6 years of training behind me and I knew what I was going to do, what I was going to put in my body and how I would recover from it. I did not do my cycle to take any shortcuts, one week before my cycle I was contacted by my endocrinologist and I was set to start TRT... Yes, TRT at 22yo, I have had hormonal issues since I was 14, the cause? My pituitary gland is lazy and I produce the same amount of testosterone as an 80yo dude at 22. My diet was not the problem, my sleeping schedule was not the problem, I had 6 different blood test before I started TRT to make sure it was not just an irregularity. Even though I had low T levels, having problems just getting an erection since years, I was still dedicated to build muscle and stay healthy. Right now I am still on TRT and will probably be until I die, unless my endocrino finds a way to restore normal and healthy levels of T naturally. But young people should stay 100% away from peds if they are healthy etc and I completely agree with you.

I see this over and over in my gym these kids only have one thing on their mind , getting jacked to get as much pussy as they can always thinking about today never tomorrow, even when you try to educate them as to what they are doing they don’t listen, I tell them at my age it’s different I’m old , my test is low and I’m done having children , they don’t get they are changing their body chemistry for life not thinking about getting married having a family, I didn’t start AAS till later in life. But you know how it is these kids don’t listen to anyone basically I’m old wtf do I know. 

I see this over and over in my gym these kids only have one thing on their mind , getting jacked to get as much pussy as they can always thinking about today never tomorrow, even when you try to educate them as to what they are doing they don’t listen, I tell them at my age it’s different I’m old , my test is low and I’m done having children , they don’t get they are changing their body chemistry for life not thinking about getting married having a family, I didn’t start AAS till later in life. But you know how it is these kids don’t listen to anyone basically I’m old wtf do I know. 
Hahahahaha, indeed, if they only knew how wrong they are about everything.. "Curls for the girls" may be a saying but it's a joke not a reality. I got far more trim at that age because I had the rap down and was decent looking, not a chut. Knowing how to talk to girls/young women will get you a lot farther than huge muscles from juice. Being in decent shape, being a jock didnt hurt, using your brain, and being just enough of a bad boy to intrigue but not so much that their dad wants to run you off with a shotgun hehehehehe....all of that works infinitely better than killing your hormonal system so early but it's also some work to learn and just like they are doing PEDs because they don't have th ework ethic to max their genetic potential, they're short cutting by doing it at all.

Half of them think pinning a little gear makes up for the shitty work ethic and diet , if they would only realize that the gear only makes for about 10 percent of what we do, they can accomplish natural at that age what we can on gear at our age.they need more education to be safe with this because hormones aren’t a joke.