
Oct 24, 2019
Hey all. So this will be my first actual thread to post.

I am looking for suggestions on my progress.

So I was out of training for about 14 months. When I started back I was 212lbs and 26% body fat. I have been training a solid 6 months 4 days a week due to work. I stand at 220lbs at 20-21% body fat.

My diet is not clean but it's not bad. I don't drink pop or anything like that just water coffee and zero sugar energy drinks. My diet mainly consists of ready cooked store chicken or Turkey and microwaved rice.

I have only started cardio in the last 2 weeks but not at lot. I mainly try run a mile as fast as I can but it's a struggle as I was 185lbs before I stopped training. This extra weight is beating me 😂

Looking to get down to about 15% body fat naturally at whatever weight that lands on. Has any suggestions on diet and training that might help me out?

I work on the road a lot so clean diet and access to a gym isnt always possible but usually isnt a problem.

Also what's everyone's views on Intermittent fasting for losing body fat? I've only heard good things about it so far but what's all your opinions?

Cheers folks 🤘🏼🇮🇪

I'll definitely give that a read. IF would be suitable for me as I said I work on the road a lot and it would be handy to make up the calories in bigger meals and shakes

Hey man talk to our forum expert @Corey5150 he’s the man to get you in the right direction , the man knows his stuff.