Sunscreen Products Contain Estrogen wtf?

Francis "Frank" Castle

Trusted Member
Jun 5, 2019
So I was watching a recent video by

The Lifting Dermatologist

and was made aware of something I had no idea aboutr. It's well worth the watch as it's short and to the point. Many, and I mean the majority of commercial products, sunscreens contain not only artificial estrogen but also other endocrine disrupting compounds. The wife and I are both pasty as hell and she has been buying some very expensive "All Natural" SPF60+sunscreen so the first thing I did was go grab it and look at the ingredients. Then I threw it in the garbage, while shes was yelling wtf at me lol....I can't believe how much garbage was in even this supposed all natural product from a very high end manufacturer, like this shit was costing her $50/tube and we have both been using it! Me less thankfully as despite my pastiness I am a very weird combination. My maternal Grandfather is/was 100% Canadian First Nations (although you would never know it to look at me), and quite dark. my father's people are of German descent but most of them were Sinti Romani displaced to parts all over during WWII, my father's people ended up in the Netherlands. I'm pasty as hell until I get any sun really at all and between my mom's side and my dad's, I go quite dark  with very little exposure!

Anyway, I prefer pasty, on me, and my women lololol although I prefer the term "alabaster" for the ladies :{)= so we use a lot of sunscreen/block

I found this handy list with some good Paraben and Oxybenzone (Estrogen) free products. Most of them are prety pricey but the Bananaboat products not so much so and seem to rate highly.

Paraben Free Sunscreens

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@Francis "Frank" Castle I never thought of this... like you I am pasty as hell but unlike you I just burn and turn various shades of red though the summer. I hate wearing sunscreen because I always feel like I've been dipped in a vat of oil afterwards. Even though I hate wearing sunscreen it is a necessity for me. I will definitely think twice about what I'm smearing on my skin. Thanks for sharing!

@Francis "Frank" Castle I never thought of this... like you I am pasty as hell but unlike you I just burn and turn various shades of red though the summer. I hate wearing sunscreen because I always feel like I've been dipped in a vat of oil afterwards. Even though I hate wearing sunscreen it is a necessity for me. I will definitely think twice about what I'm smearing on my skin. Thanks for sharing!
We were able to find Banana Boat products at Shoppers Drug Mart and they are on sale for $9.95 a tube currently. Just make sure to read the label as all of them are not Paraben and Oxybenzone free. We got the "Sensitive" (White tube soft blue/green accents) product because the "Natural" one doesn't seem to be available in canada, or at least no one has it that i could find. Mind the smaller tube that says "Face" on it. It's the exact same product for more money in a smaller tube lol. Burt's Bees has some products as well but again not the entire line and strangely not the sunscreens. I was looking at them for my wife as pretty much her entire make-up table needs to go in the trash lol...

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I'd rather stop reading the labels. Even in cosmetics for kids there are paravens or ingredients that play havoc with our hormones 😳

I'd rather stop reading the labels. Even in cosmetics for kids there are paravens or ingredients that play havoc with our hormones 😳
Ha! I said the exact same to the wife. I was like "this is going to drive me nuts reading all these labels and finding this crap!"

The doctor who was talking about this even said it's almost impossible to avoid 100% but minimizing your exposure anywhere you can is the best you can hope for. I have had the theory for years that part of the demasculinization of men wa spart of the era since oral contraceptives and our water supply. We use a "Zero Water" filter for our drinking water and have some other one on our shower head (can't remember the brand of filter". Our drinking watewr from the tap here had almost 300 ppm dissolved solids in it when we measured it. Thats just gross. With the Zero Water it's literally 0 and the taste is night and day. They way over chlorinate here where I am so the taste without filtering is shit. So it wrecks your coffee too. I can't even drink fountain soda in restaurants because of it (not that I really want to but sometimes they don't have decent sparkling water) as they rarely filter correctly not to mention flushing the lines. After working in bars/restaurants I know how everyone hates flushing the lines so it can get ignored way way way too often!

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Ha! I said the exact same to the wife. I was like "this is going to drive me nuts reading all these labels and finding this crap!"

The doctor who was talking about this even said it's almost impossible to avoid 100% but minimizing your exposure anywhere you can is the best you can hope for. I have had the theory for years that part of the demasculinization of men wa spart of the era since oral contraceptives and our water supply. We use a "Zero Water" filter for our drinking water and have some other one on our shower head (can't remember the brand of filter". Our drinking watewr from the tap here had almost 300 ppm dissolved solids in it when we measured it. Thats just gross. With the Zero Water it's literally 0 and the taste is night and day. They way over chlorinate here where I am so the taste without filtering is shit. So it wrecks your coffee too. I can't even drink fountain soda in restaurants because of it (not that I really want to but sometimes they don't have decent sparkling water) as they rarely filter correctly not to mention flushing the lines. After working in bars/restaurants I know how everyone hates flushing the lines so it can get ignored way way way too often!
I must say that this is terrifying. I work in two hospitals and we use antibacterial hand gel all day but it contains hormone disruptors 😱

Do you imagine what this can do to kids?

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I must say that this is terrifying. I work in two hospitals and we use antibacterial hand gel all day but it contains hormone disruptors 😱

Do you imagine what this can do to kids?
Oh I know. Hitting them during development is a freaking ticking nuclear time bomb just waiting to go off in ways we couldn't even imagine yet or ways that we are already seeing yet no one has put 2 and 2 together on it yet!