Taking advantage of the time you have to sleep


Trusted Member
Aug 21, 2018
Between work and 4 kids I’m lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep a night. I know my lack of sleep hinders my progress.  I notice significant changes if I don’t work a weekend and I get more sleep.  Anything I can take/do to make the best of the sleep I do get.  Any input is greatly appreciated!

I do not get many hours of sleep but I do think  that Ibutamoren increases the quality of my sleep. 

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i hear ya man, im a shift worker with a family as well. Tough to get good sleep these days. But something i do find that helps is a good dose of Medicinal CBD/THC about an hour or so before bed. Heck even just a nice THC gummy will help me sleep like a baby. If you haven't tried any medicinal yet id recommend

Thanks musclebeauty and ElectricRocker I’ll have to raid the wife’s stash find a gummy bear or two haha

Good luck man, let us know how it works for you ? 
So quick update Sunday night had a full gummy bear slept like a baby actually slept past 7am but felt lethargic for a bit.  Going to try half a bear this weekend see how that goes.  

i hear ya man, im a shift worker with a family as well. Tough to get good sleep these days. But something i do find that helps is a good dose of Medicinal CBD/THC about an hour or so before bed. Heck even just a nice THC gummy will help me sleep like a baby. If you haven't tried any medicinal yet id recommend
It’s the only thing I use for anxiety and ptsd as well as sleep. I have used thc and cbd religiously and notice a huge difference in my sleep, mood, anxiety. I would recommend it highly to anyone (especially the cbd if you dislike the psychoactive properties of thc). 

I msy May have to start a thread on THC/CBD!! ?

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It’s the only thing I use for anxiety and ptsd as well as sleep. I have used thc and cbd religiously and notice a huge difference in my sleep, mood, anxiety. I would recommend it highly to anyone (especially the cbd if you dislike the psychoactive properties of thc). 

I msy May have to start a thread on THC/CBD!! ?
Yeah very true, it definitely works wonders for the majority of people. Helps big time that’s for sure. May have to ask the boss here if we could start a thread on medicinal purposes usage, as the rules state no discussion actually but that’s recreational. May be able to modify something for us to incorporate medicinal useage. 

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Between work and 4 kids I’m lucky if I get 5 hours of sleep a night. I know my lack of sleep hinders my progress.  I notice significant changes if I don’t work a weekend and I get more sleep.  Anything I can take/do to make the best of the sleep I do get.  Any input is greatly appreciated!
I’m a mother and business owner, I get it too. I sleep hack a lot and use a number of different techniques to get 7-9 hours of rest a day.

I’m a sleep nerd..!! 

First and foremost I’ve become a master of time management and routine. I have things I do every day and I structure them around my work, training, eating and sleeping schedule. 

(Wait. That’s all I actually do .. hahaha) 

But seriously ..

I try to anticipate change in schedule by planning my week in advance (weeks start on Sundays for me) so I know when all of the essential stuff, plus kid stuff, plus work stuff needs to happen. I also plan a day a week that is pure “slothing” - I force myself to chill. 

To help facilitate quality sleep, I set the tone prior to bedtime (30-60 minutes in advance) by turning my bedsheets down, (sometimes spraying essential oils on the linens), turning a low light on, cooling my room with a fan, and eliminating my phone 30-40 minutes before I go into my room. 

I also use melatonin sometimes, and take my “calming combo” - Gaba, Ashawagandha & Maca.

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Im in the same boat. I get 6 to 8 hours in bed, but thats just time in bed. 4 to 5 hours might be actual sleep, in 2 hour naps. Ive tried everything and now I just live with it.

THC does not work for me. It keeps me up with my mind racing thinking about useless crap. It does not wind me down for some reason.

Zopiclone makes me really groggy next day, so thats out.

I find a low dose of Melatonin (i take a 10mg pill and split into 4)and some magnesium before bed is all that helps.

Just started on MK-677 and that is giving me vivid dreams already, as GH did help me sleep when I was on it, so I know im sleeping. I wish i could just stay asleep for more than an hour or two at a time.

Im in the same boat. I get 6 to 8 hours in bed, but thats just time in bed. 4 to 5 hours might be actual sleep, in 2 hour naps. Ive tried everything and now I just live with it.

THC does not work for me. It keeps me up with my mind racing thinking about useless crap. It does not wind me down for some reason.
Hi mt666tm

Dumb question and I don't mean to ask if this is obvious at all, but since I also experienced this to some degree... just wondering if you have tried an Indica rather than Sativa or perhaps different blends, hybrid strains or different strengths (THC %)?  

Also, have you tried any CBD/THC blends?  Sometimes you have to experiment until you find something that works for you.  Also, maybe you could try to time it earlier in the evening so that you are on the other end of the peek by the time you want to sleep.

I have heard and read that strains higher in CBN (Cannabinol) are also more sedative.  Supposedly, you can put THC flowers in the sun for some time and the THC will degrade to CBN - the longer it's in the sun, the more it changes to CBN.

Just trying to help...  good luck,


I can't remember what Ive tried over the years, but I have tried quite a few options. I know I have tried Indica vs. Sativa, and random blends here and there with all sorts of colorful names.

I have CBD on hand and I know it has a host of benifits, but I dont find it really does anything for me. I've also got friends in the medicinal grow industry that always offer me the latest this and that, but at this point I've given up because I have made my peace with  it. I can manage it if I go to bed right after I put my kids down. If I stay up for any reason Im screwed. A shot of scotch or bourbon helps too. Just one though!

I might revisit THC/CBD products again, but I'm a bit hesitant to try again because if it keeps me up and then I really suffer for it all day.

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I put away electronics 1hr prior and dont check phone for the first 30 min after waking, that way I relax and am not anticipating whats on my phone the second I wake to piss and snack! (every 2 hrs lol)....90% of my work is phone/ipad/labtop based as running several small businesses requires customer service up the wassou! lol

piano compilations work, cats purring, waves on a beach.....all played via bluetooth speaker with old bluetooth device not set up for email/txt ect

getting exhausting workouts help, not to mention a good screamer or last resort..pornhub and a few rounds of the knuckle shuffle! haha