Talons recovery log VORTEX


Aug 15, 2018
Okay so as you guys know I got smashed again with pericarditis.  My c reactive markers were at 17 normal is below 3.  My joints have been screaming so I went to my tickle trunk and started using vortex NPP and test.  

I can say that after a week my markers have dropped over 4 points and I expect as things go to.have all inflation markers normal.  The c reactive protein has also dropped.  I am still not out of the woods and willl be on water pills untill the heart can freely pump again

  But damn after a week I have to say I am feeling better and I know deca will raise red blood cells so.not sure of that is helping too all I know is i am able to work out lightly and am preserving muscle best I can

Starting weight 203 and holding strong at 12% bf

This is one I will definitely follow , @Talon your logs are great anyway, but I’m very interested in this one .

This is one I will definitely follow , @Talon your logs are great anyway, but I’m very interested in this one .
Warning tomorrow is an off day I may do a light long walk on the treadmill bit tomorrow is my recovery day.  And even better I am bulking a small amount nothing crazy but am going for lean muscle gains I dont want to gain too much BF

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Honestly a slow lean style bulk is far easier to maintain and return from, as well as you reduce your risks for sleep apnea and other weight related issues.

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So I just had my inflammtion markers tested again 9.8 so almost half 2 weeks or so ago.  I am blown away the deca is doing its job I would not have believed it would help even help with the heart.  I have to wonder what the fuck these drs are researching.  My knees feel 50 % better as do my joints cannot wait for another week to really be able to step up in the gym.  I am able to lay down flat now and sleep in a non sitting position and it's like heaven 

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How do you dose the deca for joint and inflammation recovery? Might need to try deca too, I have some inflammation in the shoulder and its keeping me away from the gym for at least 2 weeks.. Happy to hear the heart is going better, when I had it too I couldnt lay flat and I always had to sleep in an angle too lol.. It was the worst, hopefully youre past that stage, its only going to get better!

How do you dose the deca for joint and inflammation recovery? Might need to try deca too, I have some inflammation in the shoulder and its keeping me away from the gym for at least 2 weeks.. Happy to hear the heart is going better, when I had it too I couldnt lay flat and I always had to sleep in an angle too lol.. It was the worst, hopefully youre past that stage, its only going to get better!
I'm running my deca at 150mg a week and test at 200 so far so good.  So far zero issues.  I am going to swap soon to some NPP just to help avoid the water retention.  I got 2 vials coming so that will help me too 

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Its interesting the conflicting information on Deca and the body, but it goes to show that excessive use and over use can be detrimental while doing it properly has a range of benefits.

Its interesting the conflicting information on Deca and the body, but it goes to show that excessive use and over use can be detrimental while doing it properly has a range of benefits.
You can say that again so much bogus bro science guys out there taking enough to work on a horse than complaining.  If you are careful and congnicant of your body you cant go wrong

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How low do you go to get joint benefits? I used my share of gear never deca tho, I’d like to try it as my joints are a mess.

Zero it's about keeping hormone levels stable and making sure you have more test in system than deca.  And have an anti prolactin on hand.  I have never had deca dick issues doing the proper protocols

Any dick issues Talon?

answer: Yes is wife say it is to short lol 

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Got my Vortex NPP and Test E and wow super super thin as always pain free I am replacing deca with NPP just to help keep water off body right now I will run it at .5 ml or 75 mg eod. Which will get me around the 150 or so mg a week

Are you gonna use low anti p with that dose of Npp! I am planning on same dose but I have never done such light cycle,  therefore curious 

I want to pull the trigger on some deca to try it as my joints always hurt but I’m in my own head with this deca dick thing I’m afraid I’d waste my money get 2 shots in and toss the vial thinking about my dick.