Thyroid function


Aug 16, 2018
Thyroid Function - Part #1

There are many components that affect and can assist in improving thyroid function and thus improving weight loss and optimal function. Nutrients that can assist in the conversion of T4 to T3, healthy gut and reducing reverse T3 levels, iron levels and reducing cortisol (stress hormone) are just a few. Here is just the first part as there is a lot of information to digest.

Nutrients - T3 and T4

There are many nutrients that are required to create thyroid hormone in the body, in addition several are involved in the conversion of T4 to T3. 

When you are deficient in these nutrients your body will not convert thyroid properly. For this reason it's critical to optimize these nutrients. The most common being: Zinc, Selenium, and Vitamin B6. But, not everything has high quality zinc, selenium or B6 in it.

For that reason it is recommended to supplement with these nutrients:

  • Zinc - Zinc helps convert T4 to T3. Zinc is also a powerful anti inflammatory and it helps regulate the immune system. It's also great for your skin. 
  • Selenium - Selenium helps convert T4 to T3. It can also help balance the immune system and has been shown to be effective in helping reduce antibody levels, so keeping foods rich in selenium in the diet is recommended.
  • Vitamin B6 - Vitamin B6 helps create thyroid function and it also helps create and maintain neurotransmitters in the brain. In addition it's required for normal and healthy brain development.
  • Thyroid Function - Part #2

    Gut Health and Thyroid Function:

    Around 20% of T4 is converted to T3 in the gut and as much as 60% can be converted in the liver, so liver health is another key. The composition of the bacteria in your gut is important when it comes to proper thyroid function. 

    When the thyroid hormone is low, your intestines move slower (predisposing you to constipation) and making you more likely to develop conditions like: SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), Yeast overgrowth and Reflux. Gut issues can also cause or worsen nutrient deficiencies as stomach acid lowers due to low thyroid hormone.

    All of these conditions could also cause you to develop leaky gut. 

    When your intestinal barrier becomes less effective (leaky gut) an LPS toxin (Lipopolysaccharides) can get through into your blood stream. LPS directly lowers T3 levels in the blood.


    Digestive enzymes help your body break down food and help absorb nutrients. 

    Probiotics (high potency) can reduce local inflammation in the gut and even reduce inflammation.  

    Use Essential Oils to kill off bacteria and yeast like Oregano oil.
  • Iron and Thyroid Function:

    Adequate iron levels are required for optimal thyroid function. Too little iron levels will lead to a reduced effectiveness of thyroid hormone and too much can lead to inflammatory states caused by iron overload. So it is important to check iron levels and know your ideal level before supplementing with iron. 
  • Low Iron makes Thyroid medication less effective - Iron is required for proper T4 to T3 conversion. 
  • Iron is required for proper adrenal function - When your adrenals aren't working they put increased strain on the thyroid and lead to adrenal fatigue and adrenal burn out. 
  • There are foods that can increase iron and Thyroid function.
  • Eat sea vegetables 
  • Avoid soy products
  • Eat foods high in selenium
  • Eat foods high in zinc, copper and iron - i.e. pumpkin seeds, spinach, lentils, mushrooms, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, whole grains, and almonds
  • Hypothyroidism leads to Iron deficiency - Thyroid hormone is required for proper Iron absorption. When thyroid levels are low it leads to iron deficiency which in turns worsens thyroid function. 
  • It has been reported that Hypothyroidism sufferers do better on liquid (instead of Iron tablets) Iron tablets can actually make constipation worse, so it’s recommend that people with a hypothyroid take liquid because it is easier on the stomach and it is better absorbed. 
  • Thyroid Function - Part #3

    Reducing Reverse T3:

    Reverse T3 is basically the anti thyroid hormone. It directly inhibits your free and active T3 thyroid hormone from working properly. It can very easily get out of balance due to a number of conditions including: Insulin resistance, Leptin resistance, inflammatory states and the use of certain drugs (anti-depressants, beta blockers, mood stabilizers and pain medication). When this happens, reverse T3 levels rise and they directly BLOCK your free thyroid hormone.

    Aside from taking an actual T3 medication like Cytomel, adding HIIT training will help your body create a demand for thyroid hormone and help push T4 down the T3 path. 
  • Thyroid Function - Part #4

    Adrenals and Stress Effecting Thyroid Function

    Cortisol is called the stress hormone because of its connection to the stress response and as more is released, thyroid function decreases. Because most bodily cells have cortisol receptors, it affects many different functions in the body. Cortisol can help control blood sugar levels, regulate metabolism, help reduce inflammation, and assist with memory formulation. It has a controlling effect on salt and water balance and helps control blood pressure. All of these functions make cortisol a crucial hormone to protect overall health and well-being.

    Adrenal fatigue can cause a number of symptoms:
  • Debilitating fatigue even after a good night sleep
  • Wired but tired
  • Things you can do to lower adrenal fatigue:
  • Take an adrenal support
  • Lower caffeine
  • Eat a little extra salt (Himalayan pink salt is what we recommend)
  • Yoga or meditation to calm and decrease stress
  • Replenishing nutrients and taking vitamins such as zinc, selenium, adrenal support, probiotics, vitamin D3 & K and ZMA