Today, July 10, 2019 Is My 11th Anniversary With Wifey #2

Francis "Frank" Castle

Trusted Member
Jun 5, 2019
So as the title says, today, is my 11th anniversary with wifey #2. I always joke with her and tell her that obviously, being a hard headed man, I needed a trial run, with wifey #1, to do research, start my husband training, and get all the bugs/kinks worked out, and that she should be very thankful that I went that route as she got a better finished product as a result!


Anyway, those of you that are married will understand when I say that my wife is my rock. She has stuck by me through thick and thin and through some pretty sad times that happened as a result of the health issues I have. She has stuck it out far beyond what I really feel anyone should feel obligated to despite how much they love a person, or anything else.

Now that things are on the upswing again, (after being flatlined in the same sort of spot for a while) and I have gotten my ducks in a row as regards getting my quality of life back to where it should be, after we picked up and moved from our city home of 35 years for me, and her entire life, and then subsequently my issues started due to having to give up my old doc of 20 years, I'm making sure that this year's anniversary will be one she will remember even more so that others.

Right now she's off to what I call the "masked bandits of esthetics" lol, which in layman's terms would be the Chinese ladies at the mani, peti, facial place (I told her I would handle the facial and got smacked for my kind offer lololol) getting a full boat on a gift certificate I gave her, and later she'll be treated to a gourmet meal, prepared by moi and then after that some solid man/woman time and some special new things, she has no idea about, that I held back from my last order to Pink Cherry. Given the sad state of our sex life for so long, due to my hormone issues, the fact that right now I'm about as horny as a 2 peckered goat has her tickled to death already, and shes getting it to the point where she has actually had to beg off once because the night before I gave her such a great going over lolololol...

I'm posting here about this, telling all of my new found friends, because I believe that sincerely telling everyone how much she means to me, what a solid woman/wife she is, and how thankful I am to have had her in my life for 11 years and hopefully for many more, in some small way will just put it out there into the ether and it will come back as positive energy that will in some way add to her feeling, what she knows, about what she means to me. I know kind of hippie dippie new agey, and that's not really me at all but I do believe there is a grand, and master plan, and that we all are on a path, and that good things  beget other good things. The hard times and trials we experience are not good people being punished, for no apparent reason, but rather good people being tested so they will know the true metal of their being. So some how, some way, this little bit of sharing will come back to us in a good way. Ok enough of that, flower power nonsense hehehehehehehe.....

The day started this morning, as it has every single one of our anniversaries, with her waking up to this streaming to the big screen in the bedroom. Lol it's an inside joke between me and the wifey.

Happy Anniversary - The Flintstones

I'm posting here about this, telling all of my new found friends, because I believe that sincerely telling everyone how much she means to me, what a solid woman/wife she is, and how thankful I am to have had her in my life for 11 years and hopefully for many more,
Congrats man!  Being fortunate enough to have a good woman makes everything in life so much better!

I just celebrated my 25th a little while back and they'll have to pry this great woman out of my cold dead hands!!  Wait, that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean!