TRT and sarms

Oct 10, 2019
Hi, I have been lifting on and off over the years.  Recently, I have been venturing into PEDs.

I got injured several years ago and became obese afterwards.  It has been a long journey over the last couple of years, recovering from obesity.

Weight lifting, a ketogenic diet, and SARMS (and cardarine) have been very helpful to me in this journey.  I have also beeen on a transdermal TRT for about a year and a half now.

I am currently plateaued around 170lbs, but my muscle size and strength keeps going up as my weight stays relatively static.

I'm interested in learning everything that I can, and I welcome all opinions. (even trolls)

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SARMS (and cardarine) have been very helpful to me in this journey.  
Welcome to the board. No trolls here (well not many @Francis "Frank" Castle) jokes. Its a good board.  Would love to know more about your journey from where you started as "obese" to were you are now and how TRT has helped with that. 

I quoted that part of your intro because its nice to see someone separate CW from the SARM pack.